-Do you know how easy it is to hit somebody flying away? not hard at all. -How many games have you played? Do you know that the needler rifle, DMR and pistol are all 5 shot? And 95% of the time in halo 3, the BR was a 5 shot kill at best because of the spread(not MLG). Not much of a difference. -Health packs aren't that important. Did you playe halo CE? Nobody ran across a map to get them but if they were in their path, they picked them up. -No. in COD, you create the classes. Loadouts are like starwars battlefront because that has preset classes and you cant change them. so the least you can say is "ok starwars battlefront, real original." -thats how they balance out sprint. You are a bit slower once you stop just for a second. -so easy to kill people with armor lock when they are returning the flag. Just stand at a distance and grenade them. -because it helps balance invisibility. Thats why there are red dots. -once again, flying is nice, but it basically screams "hey im out in the middle of the map, everyone shoot at me." This game will easily be played in MLG. They probably won't have any armor abilities, except MAYBE sprint, but I dont know. Likely the DMR will start and the pistol will be a secondary or at least on the map. Needler rifle I could see being used. Rockets and sniper of course. I could see the grenade launcher being used. Plasma pistol as well. You just seem to not be up for change and seem to not have known much about anything before the beta came out because bungies weekly updates could have answered all of that for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, only problem I really have is with the melee, and they said they are lengthening the time between each hit so thats fine with me. And invasion is annoying when your an elite.
I think sword base's flow is inherently broken. It's good for 1 flag because it takes so long to capture it is a real battle (though if they return it with a minute left it becomes impsossible to win to my knowledge), but for slayer you have to have a jetpack to get anywhere quickly. Elite's do need more range at the beginning of invasion, maybe more needle rifle spawns and a few more ways up. At the end though it seems to be perfectly balanced, I seem to lose/win 50/50 if it gets to that point. I'm also disappointed by invasion in another way. I assumed the last part would be a all out battle royal, the Elites having to get in a warthog and there being a kind of deathrace to get to the phantom. Kind of like the last levels in Halo:CE and H3 but instead of driving past flood your fighting your way to the end against other people. For a map that they could do this on they could have it set up on a road. Start off with a sort of guard station that with two buildings each side with the force field between them, a generator in each one. Then a large facility with a smaller one across the road, both connected by a bridge over the road a control point in each. after the Elites crack the case Warthogs spawn in several locations and a forcefield that had been blocking off further down the road shuts off. At that point bungie has it timed how long it takes to get to the phantom (maybe a 5 minute drive) then they double that and add it to the time. After 50% of the time runs-out the phantom starts moving towards the place where the case was, dragging the arrival point with it. It should be timed so it gets to the location of the second forcefield about 30 seconds before time runs out. For spawns place all of the elites on one side and the spatans on another with various side specific vehicles (+ warthog on covenant side if no equivalent) Also several air vehicles (I think running from banshees and jets in a warthog while trying to get somewhere would be epic) Hell, if that's all to big to put in there then just the last part would be an awsome game type, 6 elites vs. 6 spartans, spartans trying to get an objective to a drop zone. Something else I have always wanted is a vehicle oriented map. Maybe two large buildings on each side like sidwinder with a larger area between them and a larger flight ceiling. At least 3 Banshees/other air vehicle a side and several tanks, basically enough vehicles so that the number of things to drive can out numbers the number of people (Scatter mongooses/warthogs around to prevent someone who ditched their vehicle from being stranded) Finally, the pelican, I have wanted to drive one since I saw one and I never have. For the map I gave ealier(the road for invasion) Just put it in a large tunnel/mine/ city with too small an overhead to fly out of with the spartans trying to steal something/escape from a large building at the beginning, fighting their way to the roof where ther is a pelican + two air vehicles on the roof. Once they get to the second highest floor elites start spawning on adjacent roofs/elevated positions with their air vehicles, and maybe on a path/street below a few warthogs/ covenant equivalents. The spartans lose when the pelican is destroyed/time runs out. Maybe even make a zombie style map where after a defender loses enough lives they become an attacker until the attackers reach a certain point, upon which when they die they rejoin their original team, maybe they could make it that way for the first part of the current invasion they have now too.
Only three things to make Halo Reach successful for me. Along with the other things Bungie mentioned were being fixed, I would like something done about those double melees (they're more common now than in Halo 3), those two tactical nukes you spawn with should be weakened, and Armor Lock should be made less overpowering.
Gotta agree on Jet Packs. Not that they are severely unbalanced or anything, but they just don't....fit. I dunno, I'm just not in love with them at all. Armor Lock is nice, but it's borderline pointless. If someone goes into lock you just back off and drop a grenade at their feet moments before they come out of it and poof, no worries. And grenades are just ridiculous. They need to be a touch weaker.
Trust me, if you actually know how to use armor lock it's far more effective than jetpack and sprint. Depending on your skill with it it can go from pointless to over-powered.
I'll give it credit in a multiple player fight, if you are overwhelmed and have help in the form of teammates then it is valuable. However, if it's you one on one in a hallway or a random room and you use it to save your life, it ain't doing ****. The other guy will just back off a bit and drop a grenade right before you pop out of it every single time. And since you tend to come into one on one fights more often than big room clearing brawls, especially on bigger maps, it becomes more useless than useful. At least in my experiences so far.
Try this the next time you run into one person. Step forward (don't jump it'll slow this down) and activate it. Your enemy will melee if you're close enough, and it will be blocked by your Armor Lock. The emp from when you first go into it will drop there shields, and since you just tap it instead of hold it down you'll pop out a second later. Follow that up with a quick melee and it's over. Or if they jump back, a quick shot from a dmr or magnum. That's the very most basic way to use your armor lock (Besides the obvious noobish hold it down for eight seconds while I'm being shot way).
Not a bad little tactic. Although you will have to be pretty skilled to pull that off with any regularity IMO. But you are right, if you just lock down and the player gets out of your melee range it just boils down to the guy waiting and shooting at you and getting ready to drop you when you come out of it.
You are able to come out of armor lock quick enough that you should be able to kill the guy or run away. Also, if you're good with the armor lock, you would know not to use it in such a situation where you're stuck 1v1 with a guy.
Which is kinda my point, most (not all) encounters in Halo boil down to a 1v1 or 2v1. At least in my encounters, and the precise reason armor lock is less useful than anticipated. Sprint and Invis are helpful in most situations, and even Jet packs have bonuses in most situations (cramped hallways excluded). But Armor lock, however overpowered it may be when used correctly, seems to be purely situational. Thus not as useful overall. Imagine this scenario: 2 players turn corners in a hallway and see each other. One has sprint and the other has armor lock. They both throw grenades (a common Halo reaction). Player 1 sprints forward while the grenade goes past him and blows up far behind leaving him untouched. Player 2, in an attempt to absorb the hit throws down an armor lock and is unfazed by the explosion. However, Player 1 now has the advantage of throwing a second grenade at the feet of player 2 while he is coming out of armor lock and effectively wins the battle. I see stuff like this happening far more than someone being able to pull off a quick block and then a pop out and a kill. Most knee jerk reactions to the armor lock are to back off when it is initiated and if the enemy is out of range then you are a sitting duck.
This does happen a lot but I personally am very good with armor lock (I'm not one of those fags who just holds it for the full 7 seconds, if I'm going to die i just get out of it and throw a nade). In "Invasion" armor lock is essential (unless you use the noob toobs, which i recently found out that it EMPs a vehicle) because of all the vehicles. I have EMPed many wraiths and ghosts with it and then killed the driver. Also, it beats a sword any day (a whored up weapon by the elites). 1. Sword guy lunges. 2. Armor lock. 3. Break and EMP him/her. 4. Melee or Shotgun him/her in the face.
A few things I need to add that I don't like with the new gametypes and just some other stuff. -plasmas hardly ever stick generators. -you shouldn't do the assassination thingy with things like flag, oddball, etc. -I really really don't like that people can clash with swords. Anyone know if that's a glitch? -Invasion needs some work on the first phase. Things I like -generator defence is awesome. -all the armor abilities are fine. I have heaps more but I keep forgetting it!
The BR sucked, everyone rushed for it and anyone who had it would instantly rape anyone who didn't. And if you're six-shotting people, you suck at aiming, the DMR is a five-shot. Four-shots weren't sick, they were garaunteed wins to anyone with a BR. Call of Duty wasn't the first game to have loadouts, your argument is invalid. Also, the health packs make the game require much more skill. Apparently you just want Bungie to repackage Halo 3 as a new game.
Things i like: Loadouts = perfect maybe make more available for SvE slayer. Gametypes: almost all of them are good with the exception of Invasion. I think it has more to do with the map than the gametype. Also Generator Defense needs to be more than 3 on 3, i could see a bit larger maps with 4 on 4 or 5 on 5. Also on the note of Invasion i had been thinking, what about something along the lines of Invasion short. Less people less points to get to the core. Also i would like to see larger scale Invasion with more time and more vehicle battles. The BR DMR trade off is okay in my book. All it takes is some getting used 2 and its fine. Stickies need to be revamped though, they should stick the generators (as mentioned) and maybe have a larger stick radius (i mean the radius in which it will stick a guy if its thrown at him). I enjoy deflecting swords it makes them not so over powering, i think their should be some way of countering a hammer the same way though.
Some ideas: Gametypes: -More players in Invasion (finding enemies should not be a problem) -More objectives in Invasion -Both objectives must be taken down in invasion -Generators instead of territories for invasion -More vehicles for covenant and stationary emplacements for UNSC (invasion) -Better fortifications on later objectives in invasion and minor fortifications initially (opposite of bone yard) -More transparent territories -Generators less vulnerable -Shorter lock down on generators -Four player teams on generator defense Equipment: -Evade gives three barrel rolls instead of two per charge -Better invisibility while moving -Remove radar jam effect of invisibility -Hide player from radar when invisibility is engaged Weapons and Vehicles -Lower fire-cap on both DMR and Needle Rifle -Fix banshee tricks so they execute consistently and do not have a camera change -Fix scorpion controls (backing up) -Increase wraith health -Remove charging function on Plasma Launcher Fire every time the trigger is pulled -If the trigger is not held after firing the grenade launcher, the grenade should detonate upon first impact with anything -Larger turn radius for plasma launcher and rocket launcher to allow vehicles to dodge without hiding behind cover
The more I play the game the less feedback I have, and the more I think this game will go down in history as a masterpiece.