Forge Techniques

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by stouf761, May 9, 2010.

  1. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Do ya'll think Interlocking, Geomerging, and Ghostmerging will still be possible or will bungie have fixed these to restrict forging...

    Also how long do ya'll think it will take to find new glitch techniques?
  2. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Hopefully we won't have to.

    ...but I'd guess about a month.
  3. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I hope when REACH is released the forge will be like the original forge on Halo 3, without all the DLC. So much more creativity went into those maps.
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    In the latest vidoc, someone on here snapped a screenshot of a screen in the background which had a farcry 2 esque editor in it. It could have been a devkit .map mod but when I looked at the actual image (and the place in game) they were positioned exactly the same and it is slightly geomerged. So me thinks there will be no need for the glitches, they have it built in now ;p
  5. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I hope the glitches are 'built in', every one of the gliches gave us amazing possibilities and amazing maps, 'easier' forging just leads to more great Maps and thats the best think that could happen to us.
    Imagine a world with more that 5 good maps a month, a world where you don't need to spend half an hour to replace a block one meter to the left if it fits gameplay better, a world where you are able to build a map like you want to.
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    What are you on about? Link/pics or it didn't happen.

    On topic, I think they will become features.
  7. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Check the latest vidoc man, theres a computer screen in the back. I think someone posted the picture in reach discussion or in the vidoc discussion itself. But yeah, it's still as easy to watch the video.
  8. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    you mean this one?
  9. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    If its far cry style, it will not only be easier but the skill factor will leave forging, because Far Cry has autoconnect for things like train tracks.

    I think they should leave it the same except making the three main techniques easier.
    The two things I think should NEVER change are: pre-existing scenery (Sandbox is as open as it should be) and item limit.
    Pre existing scenery keeps some of the skill factor to tie it in, and the item limit keeps things from being outrageous.
  10. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yer, I loved the autoconnect feature. It will make it easier for people with amazing ideas to forge but it may piss off the people that have 1337 forging skills.
  11. LD

    LD Ancient
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    You have never got into the FarCry Editor did you?
    Of cause, in FC everyone could make a Map within one hour, the merging was automatic, there was autoconnect and everything, but a good Map Maker still stood out.
    The FarCry Editor is by Far the most Complex Editor I have ever used, the complexity and the amount of things to do was just awesome. If you took your time you could make Maps that people were willing to pay for. I played on some Maps that could have been released as a Map Pack over the Xbox Live Marketplace or shipped with the game. There always will be a difference between good and bad Map Makers.

    I said it before and I will say it again: If you are scared to loose your reputition as a good Forger, who knows all the tricks, you are a selfish attention *****. I'm happy if none of my Maps will ever get featured because they will only be average, and not 'good' anymore, in Order to have more great Maps and great Mapmakers.

    It's the same concept with Lego, it merges your Bricks automaticly, there is autoconnect, it's easy as ****, but some people build a Lego Tower, others build Lego Land.
  12. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I hate the FarCry Editor. There were very few great forgers because it was hard to do, it felt as if it was something that needed to be learned and was it's own profession. There will be no range between the F4t K1d map and the great Reflex or Gridlocked.

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