Title: Sage Description: A large and difficult obstacle map. Version: 2 Difficulty: 9 NOTES: Every jump, corner, and path is fully tested and possible WARNING: May cause suicidal thoughts. Download: MAP: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details GAMETYPE: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Screenshots:
Pictures aren't working, Also at least give us a good description besides a Jumping map. See people here will lock it within 24 Hours so. I assume this will help you!
Wierd. It's been 3 days and still no Mods have come sniffing around. WTF.. normally they nail posts like these in less than an hour. Anyway, you still need proper pics. Don't copy and paste them from Bungie.net, save them and put them in a folder, upload them on Photobucket.com, then copy and paste their IMG codes here. Then they'll show up properly.