+rep. I love Halo jumping Throughout playing the beta i keep seeing all these amazing jumps. This is awesome Also the name is sweet
I agree. It's interesting just how much can be done with the roll. I would love to see some non-armor ability jumps though...
Good jump montage, when of the first ones, I think... I liked it but more spartan jumps would make the montage more entertaining to me.
Advertising much? Ahah, I saw this montage when Hi I'm loo told me about it. I kinda worked out how some of the jumps are done but some are just really godly like the one where he bounces of the wall twice
Yes, all you posted was the video, no comment lmao ;p If you were posting it as the first 'tage made then this video in OP is claimed as the first jumptage not, 'tage ;p I dunno tbh, I don't even know why you posted it lol, but if you thought it was the first 'tage then the latter applies.
HOLY ****! I just realised. When I had this thread open, I also had the PPC open, I meant to post it in the PPC... Not this thread... ****... My bad... -_(\
ive tried doing somt things like this but i never manage to get anything like this i want some tuts also awsome
FiOS, you never cease to amaze me. I'd love to see some Boneyard tactical jumps, as most people will have more access to Elites on Invasion. But I'm definately trying some of these out.