Okay, I was kinda pissed at the fact that you have to go on B.net and Sign in to see your Challenges in Halo:Reach's Beta. When I looked at all of them, I knew most of them. Sticking a Player (Sticky Grenadier), Assist a kill (Assistant), Get any type of MultiKill (MultiKill), Get a Kill with a Headshot (Headshot), Get any type of Spree (Killing Spree) and Get a Kill in a Vechile (Mobile Asset). However, I dont understand this one: If you read it, it says "Perform an Incredible Feat in Matchmaking". What the F**K is that meaning? Im almost done this to get the Gold Challenge but I just dont know how the hell Im gonna get this one. I sorta confused. If anyone has already completed this one, please inform me. Thanks!
That is a perfection medal or at least it is on Halo 3. To get it you need to get 15 kills and 0 deaths in a slayer,team slayer or SWAT game.
I think the onyx version is smexy ;p Just to let you know, commendations get you about 1000 credits at the end of a game, it's pretty awesome when you get them ;p OT: What the hell is an amazing feet? O.O
Is it possible that it is doing the new assassinations? or perhaps it is getting the close call medals. just some ideas..
Im gonna agree with you on the Assassinations. I have performed alot of them. However, I just went up a little by playing 1 game without Assassinating. So?
I remember someone from Bungie (think it was Luke Smith or urk) made a post on GAF about it. Can't find that, but this is basically what they said anyway. The second quote box in that post details what increases the Technician commendation.
I have gotten tons of those and I suck at Halo so its definitely not that difficult. I have only done one assassination so that is definitely not it. I usually rely heavily on teamwork, so if you follow a friendly player around long enough (play tactically) you might get it. I would defend that it is easy to earn, but I am ashamed to say my arena ranking. Edit: Looking back, what Pegasi said makes much more sense.