[title=By RightSideTheory][/title] Aerocrest Created by: Rorak Kuroda & Vyctoriouz Recommended Players: 2-8 Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer, One Flag, King of the Hill Normally, Forge Hub doesn't feature modded maps. It is against our basic principals and our moral fibers scream out in pain if ever the idea is toyed with. The second commandment in the Great Book of Ye Hub (the book of the church of Forge Hub) states: Thou shalt not worship false idols, which translates to: don't feature maps that are not "true" forge maps. Thus it is wonderful that Aerocrest isn't a modded map, otherwise we wouldn't be able to feature this beauty. This map is sincerely jaw dropping. The sheer size alone is enough to wow anyone and apart from that, the map is just gorgeous. With multiple unique play spaces and tiered levels, this map has quite a "Reach" feel to it. Needless to say, this is one of the most impressive maps to be released in a long time. Aerocrest is great for multiple gametypes, including slayer, king and flag. It works for both team, FFA and multiteam variants. While it may be the end of Halo 3's lifespan, this is surely a map that will keep it going for just that much longer. Download Aerocrest Original FH Thread
Congrats man. This map is amazing. You deserve it. I look forward to seeing what you'll be accomplishing in the future
I totally knew that this map was going to get featured! I really love this map and it really deserves this feature! Congrats Rorak Kuroda and Vyctorious!
I knew you two would get featured on one of these forging sites. Forge-tastic job guys! (See what I did there?)
Nice work guys, i remember when this map was halfway done and we were just jumping around and ****. Turned out to be a beast! Well deserved ......took ya long enough to make it though lol.
I knew this would be up here sooner or later. Totally deserving, and this is my personal favorite competitive map. Great job guys, and thanks for making this.
A well deserved feature, Congratulations. I new this would be featured shortly after its release! Was a blast testing this map.
Yeah thats me. If anyone could change my FH name to Vyctoriouz that would be sweet. I haven't gone by Insanity in a LONG time. I really didn't expect this, but I have to thank you guys here at ForgeHub for recognizing our map. We put a TON of work into it, and I'm glad it paid off. I got on here to see the new features, and BAM! there's "Aerocrest" right on the front. Its a pretty crazy feeling lol.
This was for sure my favorite Skybubble map to date. I honestly loved it before it evolved into what it is now. Ruh ruh kuh ruh duh, Vyc, Vyc, Vyctoriouz, you two are some of my favorite forgers. Congrats on the lightning quick feature. Oh, and when I started reading the first paragraph, I was like, haxorz? Then I smiled.
You guys totally deserve this. This map had "favorite" written all over it and I look forward to seeing it on Bungie. Amazing job guys!
I swear, you guys have found a way to break past the item limit and just aren't telling us... Amazing job guys!
okay, let me just say, this map made me orgasm. Having said that, I FREAKING LOVE THIS MAP!!! This map has gained a permanent spot in my fileshare, and thanks for keeping halo 3 alive. at least for a couple more weeks. :*(
Man this looks friggin beautiful. I got it qued and all, but it will be a few weeks before I can get on the actual map since my XBOX fried. But I will definitly check it out guys. From the pics it looks amazing and I really want to see it in person. Gratz on the feature and may many more of your maps grace the front page.
It really is an honor to finally have gotten a featured map on here. Ever since I first joined this site I envied and adored the incredible maps I always saw featured. Now it almost feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. Except for the fact that I have at least 10 other maps in progress. Thanks for the feature 4chub, now I'm working harder than ever hoping for another one. PS. Vyctoriouz and I prepared a version 1.1 of this map, but you guys featured it too quickly! When we release it with the small changes we made, would the link on the front page also be updated?
No surprise here. This was an instant feature. That first picture is just......whoa.......everything in this is truly just beautiful.
I was the 343th download. That means something in the Halo world =P Anyway, this map looks spectacular and definitely deserves a feature. I'll try to get a game or two on it, but that wont be likely at least until the Reach beta is done with. Good work =)