Reserved for when my screenshots decide to appear in my "Recent Screenshots" on (Ive taken some but they don't appear!?)
I dunno if this is allowed, but I like it... So yeah. I don't think it'll win, but I like it... lol I don't know why, but all these bright images and weird colour screenshots don't appeal to me at all. Don't know what everyone else sees in them, but oh well, each to their own.
Before (Official Entry) See the blood? He dead. (Black guy voice.) If you can enter more then one I also will do these two.
Photo shop isn't allowed, that totally ruins the contest. There is no skill involved in editing a bad picture to look good.
WHAT!!! LOLOLOLROFLROFL Are you serious? That's a complete contradiction. Making something that is bad, good, takes skill. According to what you said, it takes no skill to turn a tree into a chair. Exactly. xD Also, the picture I submitted wasn't really edited that much, just sharpened and cropped basically. I do understand if it's not accepted though.
Ofc it's against the rules to edit the screenshot. The competition isn't to add what a screenshot lacks and submit it. Okay, cropping, not really edited it much but sharpening is a bit unfair for this comp.
go into image > adjustments > curves... wiggle the curve around until desired effect. go into filter > sharpen > sharpen tah-dah!
Ooo, that's so not what I did. And that might kinda make it worse to be honest. Well for someone that's new to the game. But I guess you could do it that way. --- And just to point out, I certainly didn't sharpen it twice. Nor did I use "sharpen".
\/ Sig of the week is that way \/ this is a competition of the best screenshots taken in halo. We'd all be ****ed mace came here and did C4Ds and **** instead of effects. If it's photoshopped, is gonna usually be better also you need to provide a link to your screenshot on if you win this week --- Inb4shitstorm