Hello. I made this map a while ago, and I thought I would put it on Forge Hub for fun. It's an infection map, and you stay alive in this large house/mansion/cellar as the zombies come for your soul. Here are some pictures: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zombie Spawn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Human Spawn (Killballs spawn after 3 minutes) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Equipment room ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Main room ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Red room (creative name, I know) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rockets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spooky hallway ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope you enjoy! Map download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Just wondering, what's to keep the humans from staying in their spawn room. If killballs appear after a set period of time, then you should say so in your post.
From what I can see, in some rooms the humans can just go in a corner and have a perfect line of sight of every entrance of a room. If you've made a specific gametype for this map, what are the players traits? Are the zombies invisible? If you describe how the map works, it could helps making an idea of how it can be played.