My goodness your smudging/perception of depth is spot on Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Great work man!
I can't tell if I like these or not. On the surface, the style seems really cool and energetic. However, when I actually look at them for a while, I find tons of problems. Eh.
I despise the colors of the first one. The second one has smudging worthy of free waffles. The third one is just about as meh as the first one, with the funky colors and the blurry looking smudging.
Try making the c4ds in the signature less, well, obvious looking. Work on geting them to work with the effects in the signature rather than against them. Right now they look they were just placed on top of the final layer and then erased and edited a bit. I think if you worked on getting them to blend better with your signature, it would help improve the depth and focal of your signatures. Overall, not bad, but I think you took one step backwards with these three pieces.