The map: No, the "r" in Foundration is not a misspelling. It is a combination of the words "Foundry" and "Foundation." It's kind of a bad attempt at being clever. Well, I created this remake and a friend referred me to this site. Before posting, I did a "Foundation" search and found several other remakes but noticed that they all had something different to offer. So I'd like to toss my creation in. It's different than some other remakes that I've seen because, although size is sacrificed, a high boundary wall exists to prevent simple methods for escaping. I used shield doors in front of each room because the Halo 2 Foundation had the walls that blocked the entrances from a direct line of fire into the interior. I needed a compact and cost effective way to achieve a similar effect. Here is a taste of what is in store: The rooms on the Halo 2 Foundation are labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4. In this map variant, signs "A" and "B" point at opposite sides of the map (they replace the columns next to the stairs that were in the original Foundation). This means that there is an A and B side to the map, but there are still two A and B rooms respectively. To fix this, I added a window pane over one A room and a fence box to block the crane over one B room. So now the rooms are A, A Window Pane, B, and B Crane.
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration Try embedding some pics. Then you'll get some downloads. Click here.
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration It's nice to see a foundation that actually has a circular playspace. I suggest getting more pictures and imbedding them in the post.
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration There are many remakes of many maps from Halo 2. What makes your foundation stand out differently from the other foundation remakes? -Donuts
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration This one looks really clean but I was also wondering about the shield door. Also from the look of the screenshot you left out the wall that you always bounce grenades by the rooms and take refuge from the turrets.
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration Apparently you guys didn't read the part where he said its not a direct remake. Looks fun.
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration Guardian is to Lockout as Foundration is to Foundation. Pretty. Shield doors are unbalanced, to say the least. I'd just camp around in the rooms, know what I mean? If you have the oddball, you could hide behind one of the walls. However, deleting them makes those inside the rooms quite vulnerable. What you should do is make a small cover system of sorts. For the rooms, I'd put a bunch of crates or something. Meh. Name's kinda dumb, in my opinion, but I don't have anything better. At least it's an addon to my collection of maps.
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration Gotcha, glad you cleared it up in the OP I will DL when I have room along with 30 other good maps. Now that the maze and remake flood is over it seems some quality foundry maps are not being rushed. I wouldnt say its like lockout to guardian because they are very different but I got your point.
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration from the pictures, it doesnt seem to ... like feel the same..idk...i have yet to find a Foundation remake im satisfied with...prolly cuz it was my favorite map... but for most people, this looks good...except for the shield doors....
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration Small tip, just makes your thread look better. Use this instead. Code: []Download Map (clicky!)[/url] It will make the words Download Map (clicky!) the actual link, instead of having an ugly looking URL.
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration omg i feel the same way. I'm not dl'ing any foundation remakes until someone gets a really accurate version out.
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration I agree the only remakes I have yet to find one that made the back rooms right, the walls correct where you can bounce grenades around the corner like the original, the PROPER MIDDLE, and one that isn't sloppy. Some have a few of those but non have achieved all of that.
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration My only complaint is the height of the pit... it was too high to be able to nade jump... I know you couldnt do anything about it because of the invisible ceiling... im just sayin it.
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration Have you changed this since the version I played against you yesterday? If not, than I'll tell you the same thing again, you need to delete the shield doors and place scenery in the rooms (like crates and stuff). And need to add some cover in the top floor of the outdoor area.
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration a few other problems alot of foundation remakes have shown are bad weapon spawns (i know exactly where every weapon is..i think...), and the middle areas not being made right (for example, that middle area where the sword is is really easy to shoot into, and the walls are quite short....those windows might work for it, walls dont in general, their impossible to shoot thru and too big...also theres fusion coils in there to make it hard....ALSO P) the maps always seem to small....foudation was bigger than most people thought, but i guess u cant really do that for most maps cuz of foundry's size..
Re: Missed Foundation? Meet Foundration Well this weapon placement seems about right except I could be imagining this but I remembered there being a BR in the back rooms along with the SMG (maybe replaced with Assault Rifle?) The inaccuracy of the middle has been a reoccurring theme, I don't recall being able to jump across the map in 2 jumps using the middle. Part of this is foundry's size but also the height of the middle doesn't seem right in a lot of these.