Vertigo, an Infection Map high in the sky outside of Blackout! Download Map - Vertigo Download Gametype - Flying Zombiez This map is made for Infection. The building is 4 or 5 stories tall and is outside of the map Blackout. Located high above the normal playing area. There are turrets set up going up the builidng and various weapons/equipment. The human players spawn towards the bottom of the building and must quickly set up a defense. The Infected players spawn inside the normal shotgun room of blackout although all the exits are blocked off. At the end of this room are four teleporters that lead to the bottom of the building. As the Zombies keep respawning and coming back, the human players get pushed farther up the building until, usually the last man standing is forced all the way to the top manning the final turret. Another interesting feature is the lighting, I have set lighting effects on different timers. The map gets darker and darker as each round goes on. Right before it becomes the darkest there is a custom powerup that spawns in the Zombie spawn point. Which if you get the game type the powerup makes the Zombies faster and tougher to go along with the night.
yo dis a frickin' 1337 z0mbiez map yo but seriously, some more pictures would be nice, I can't really tell what the structure of the map is from that one picture also, a map that changes lighting??!! what an innovative idea!!! /sarcasm
I stretched a teleporter straight up into the sky until I broke through the elastic wall. It took like twenty mins. Right around the middle it broke. I splitscreened with a guest so i could see if it would work.
I would change the name. True Dark Fusion's first map ever, which was on Last Resort, is named Vertigo
Oh really? Is it possible to change the name? I'm sure there is a million maps with the same name no matter what you put though right?
Thanks I have been thinking up ideas and I am planning to start a new map this weekend. So far nothing but good reviews thanks guys!
Next time you make a map with filters, try taking them off when you take general overview pics. Sometimes they get in the way and make it hard to see what everything looks like in certain shots. Or, do like a before/after with the filter off then with the filter on.
You really can't see it? The picture isn't all that dark. Maybe check your monitors brightness? But yes, next time I will turn off the filters. I do doubt I will use them anymore. Kind of pointless to normal play.
I tried to make a map like this but coulden't get the reciever node out of the map c an I have a more detailed explanation?
If you notice as you push the node along the sky it jumps almost up a little bit, thats where it is breakable. Find those areas and try to force the teleporter through the invisible wall.