I hate playing 5 games of One Flag on it in a row. I'm sick and tired of it. I wanna play more Sword Base.
Personally i enjoy stockpile, it truly doesn't seem balanced on powerhouse, but i find it to be enjoyable especially when I actually took a few minutes to invite people. I haven't gotten a chance to play it on sword base but I'm looking forward to it. The idea for the conquest style tug of war is great. I think it would be great if circle that overlapped could collect for multiple points so you could specialize harder areas to reach for more points.
i really enjoy stockpile. and i really dont give a **** if a teammate picks up a flag ive gotten to make it their point. i just have winning on my mind, not scoring points.
I'm so glad I found this topic. I would like to put in my two cents. Stockpile on either map (Sword Base or Powerhouse) just doesn't work. The flow of the map doesn't fit the game type. How would I fix it? Put it on a map the size of maybe... maybe a Coagulation. Throw in some buildings and such. But make the map bigger. Also, nix the 4 on 4. Make it a big team game like 6 on 6. I think it has the potential to be a lot more fun that way.
I don't know if this has already been said or not (I really don't want to read the whole thread right now ), but it isn't the gametype that is the problem. The way bungie has designed the map(s) is the problem. The gametype is fine, but the flag/pile setup is terrible. On Sword Base, its okay, but on Powerhouse, it is simply unfair and stacked. If bungie fixes the defaults on the maps, then it would make the gametype more fun. So, in answer to your original question: No, Stockpile should not be removed. The maps just need to be edited.
Playing the gametype on different maps can curve your interest when it comes to the said gametype. I'm sure if you played Stockpile on a map, lets say Midship, you'd like it much better.
I don't see powerhouse as being unfair while playing stockpile. i've won and lost on both sides of the map
I personally love stockpile, but cannot stand that powerhouse is burdened with it. It will not and does not work on Powerhouse. They flag spawns are too close to the bases and takes seconds for teams to retrieve them. It is unfair if 3 of the flags spawn on one side rather then having them all be in the relative middle on Sword Base. Btw Sword Base needs a better name... Too straight forward.
I still think its great on powerhouse. some of the best games of stockpile i've played have been on there. CLOSE matches. as hard as it is to WIN, I don't see that its that one-sided. I think its more that hard core forgers are perfectionists.
Stockpile (like most objective gametypes) turns into a game of slayer. Then one person (usually me) just walks all the flags back to the base so we win while the other team is not even trying. Not the greatest gametype IMO.