Please look at and rate from one to TEN!:happy: fu g 0 she Thanks.:happy:
All right, but all of those have been done about a million times before, and very amateur. I see your potential though. 4/10 Also none of these screenshots fall into the action category. Please read that before you post next time.
I hope you weren't being condescending. I believe oOJakeOo had the map itself on his fileshare. Anyway, it's obviously not the same pic that he took, so it's not really stealing, unless Jake didn't want the map shared. OP, if you're going to make threads in the Screenshots section of Forgehub, you're going to need to embed your screenshots here, you can't just post links to
As blacktheorem said, he did make the screenshot but he didn't make the map. You should grab evidence before you start accusing of ripping, I mean his name was on it lmao -.- 1 - 8/10 - Could use some effects to distinguish it more from the background. 2 - 6/10 - Nothing much happening TBH, you should add an effect. 3 - 9/10 - Really nice effect, could be zoomed out slightly so the spartan doesn't take the whole image up. 4 - 7/10 - Nice effect on the armour, could have a better background and be centred ever so slightly more, not too centred tough because of his angle, offset slightly to the right from the centre. 5 - 6/10 - Same as 2. 6 - 7/10 - Angle could be moved down and a nicer background maybe.. Looking forward to seeing more.
Locked until you properly embed your screenshots into the forum. Contact me via visitor messagewhen you have done so. Thanks. Forum rules