Hey guys, I'm working on a new map, which is a remake of Orbital on Sandbox, and so far I'm pretty much 90% done. I just have a couple tweaks and alterations to make, but there's a problem, and I can't finish the map until I can get this just right. The two bases on my map connect with see-through windows (wall slits in this case), and my friend brought up a good point. I have to make them so that you can't shoot the other team through them. So I've decided to geomerge shield doors into them so it's impossible to harm the other team. Now, here's the problem. The wall slits are at angles. How in the bloody hell am I supposed to geomerge shield doors into the wall slits at an angle??? So, I was wondering if maybe it's possible to ghost merge shield doors. That would most certainly help me. Thing is, I've tried and tried and tried to dummy them, but no immovable object will push them. Not even a man cannon. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is there something I'm not doing at all? Or are shield doors unable to be ghost merged? Please respond ASAP. I need a solution to this bugging problem!
I think it's possible to dummy them with man cannons. Or you could forge like I do: When in monitor Mode, hit X + D-Pad Up, now you should be a spartan, but the object list is on your hud, choose the object you want, and it will apear in front of you, already dummied, thats way faster.
shield doors are definitely ghost-mergable. It's really easy to do, and I don't really get why it's giving you so much trouble. Simply use the classic X+up method that LD just told you about. Clicky Foar Winzoarz!
Man cannons are pointless. A much better way to dummy the objects is place them on top of something else then delete the object under them so they fall when dummied. This prevents you from needing to go find the piece, especially when using this to merge up by the towers. Shields doors are already "soluble" (they can be pushed into other objects) so just saving and quitting should keep them in place.
Based on how your describing the object as unable to be push I am assuming you're using the up + A method. If this is the case you can place a block up off the ground and set your two shield doors on it, then dummy both objects after setting one of them to never, then simply delete the block below them and fly through the objects. If you did this correctly your shield doors will fall to the floor and you are free to ghost merge as normal. I generally only use this if i am in the sky bubble so i can dummy them and have one fall onto a block where i can actually grab it, but if your not up to par on all three methods this is how you do it for the Up + A.
ya im using the up + A method. i don't know how to do the x + up d pad thingy or whatever cuz i tried and failed over and over. i think the up + a methods alot quicker and easier. but i tried the mancannon thing and it didn't blow them away. but i will try your advice. sounds like it'll work. thanks sooooooooo much btw. i was gunna start freakin out cuz i didn't know what to do lol and thanks to the rest of you guys too. except harissalesman, cuz he doesn't know what he's talking about lol
The mancannons do not actually move the blocks until something touches them, because until then, the game ignores that they exist. Just shoot the boxes and they will probably move. I think the up + x method you mentioned might actually be [up][a]. To dummy the object you just want to have grabbed it at the same time as leaving forge mode, whether you just spawned it into your grasp or just picked it up.
no i meant the alternative method to the up + a one. I'm very good at the up + a but don't know how to do it to where you can access items in spartan mode. I never did quite get that one. And I tried whats his names advice on setting the shield doors on blocks, dummying them both, and then deleting the boxes while subsequently running through them. that definitely worked. but when i went to ghost merge them into the wall slits, even with the shields perfectly aligned, it didn't look neat (for some odd reason)