Just wanna know what everyone is doing with the jetpack, i know someone will think of uses that i haven't. Any places on the map you can get to that most people don't notice? we all want to know! one thing I've come to depend on it for is protecting from fall damage, especially on sword base. like when I NEED to get to the bottom and I'm on the top floor. I like to drop down and push the armor ability button somewhere between floors 2-3 for a "landing thrusters" type of effect. Seems trivial but if you wait and time it right it can sometimes save you a second or two. More obvious on that map is using the central man cannon to get you up in the air, saving a little juice for maneuvering. any other opinions? ideas? or if you HATE it, why?
Well, using the jetpack to soften your landing isn't really your idea, Bungie has been telling us that we need to do thatfor about two or three bungie weekly updates now. One thing I enjoy doing on Swordbase, using the jetpack as you go through the center room's lift. It makes you FLY. Try it.
On Swordbase I either get the plasma launcher or sniper and sit on the ledges at either side of the room. It can usually rack up some kills before I get killed. Also, if you cant't get the sniper, try to get the plasma laucher and watch the sniper spawn. For me it works very well.
its great for one flag on sword base, if you attack, use it to float down fast into the enemy base and try to get the flag back around to you side, dont rush to the middle because so many people do that, it's just assumed everyone will.
I know its not my idea. It does take a few tries before you get it right though, I was just recommending when to "pull the cord" so to speak. I agree, going through the lift makes you go like the rocketteer. jawsome. I like this jetpack a lot, the last one I saw in a game was GTA: San Andreas, and that one was kinda lame. unlimited juice, not much thrust, hard to shoot while using it, and you were unable to switch weapons while in it.... There was also a jetpack stormtrooper in SW: battlefront 2 that had a similar mechanic to Reach that was a little better.
On One Flag on Swordbase, when all four players are hanging around the Flag Spawn, I grab the Plasma Launcher, jump onto the walkway in front of the Flag Spawn, fire the Launcher, then fly away. I got a Triple Kill this way!
Most people think that jetpackers are complete idiots, doing it for the thrill. Well, they are correct, many new players generally pick the jetpack simply to fly around. An expiernced jetpack man can do serious damage. When using the jetpack, remember, EVERYONE can see you. It is in your best interest to gain altitude, quickly. Don't try to conduct battles with someone unless you are at a height advantage, as that is the jetpack's main objective. Also, if you time it correctly, you can actually do a jump walk thing that lets you walk two times faster, just RB and jump, forward at the same time. Just remember, you can't use abilities when carrying objectives, so like on swordbase stockpile, throw the flag down and boost to not hurt yourself.
When i see someone coming around a corner on my radar, I like to boost up and get behind them, and get an easy assassination. This really only works on Powerhouse, though.
People use the jetpack way too strategically. It's not meant to fly high up in the air to get a view of the battlefield, it's meant to use tactically to give a little boost to your jump. The trick with the jetpack is that most of the time is wasted on gaining speed right at the start, so jump at the same time as you fire the jetpack to get up to speed quickly. I see too many people engaging the jetpack at the peak of their jump.