I didn't try Arena yesterday, but I jumped in today and it's really fun (<3 Slayer Pro). I got a ranking of 1649 after my first 3 games, played a few more after that but it didn't change. I'm not quite sure how the games you play after the mandatory 3 affect your daily score yet, and I've no idea how good 1649 is in context. So yeah, post your own daily Arena rankings.
After school, I was 1000, but as of now I around 1600-1690. The thing is I've been playin pretty much consistantly ie. 15-19 and 8-11 (kills-kills and deaths-deaths) I've been getting a solid 5-8 assists per game and I've won 11 of 13 (all 8 of my games today.) so I'm not sure how the rank works. I'm curious to see where I'm placed at the end off all this.
It begins by averaging your first three games together. Then at the end of the day, it averages your three best games together to get your rank for each day.
If anyone gets a single game 1800+, you better post it to youtube. I'm at 1654 today. Probably going to be a bit higher by tonight, but we'll see.
Ah thanks. I got confused because after playing my 3 mandatory games I was actually 1610 (just looked back and realised that I was wrong in the OP), then I played one more game and scored 1649. My rating then changed to 1649, so I thought that it had just switched based on my last game. But then it didn't change after subsequent games and I got confused. It just so happens that, by coincidence, the score of 1649 in my 4th game became one of my 3 best games and brought the average to exactly 1649 as well, very strange. @Ladnil: Agreed, anyone can holler of they need a game captured, I'll be more than happy to oblige. I felt like I was doing pretty good in some games but still haven't been able to get higher than 1675 in a game yet. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get in to the 1700's.
I like how in area its a bunch of slayer games because I do really good at that. In a game yesterday I had 21 kill but it didn't count that game because I already had done the 3 that was needed for that day. My rank yesterday is 1658.
It's been said in this very thread that Arena will take your top 3 scores out of all your games in a day to get your daily ranking.
Wait... with Trueskill acting in the background don't we need to know everybody's division before any of these ratings matter?
Yep, that's gold. I'm I've been getting ratings in the high 1500s-mid 1600s. Not a single game over 1700 yet though, and the average has been going down as I face better and better opponents.
How do you check your rating? :l Checked Bungie.net to no avail. First day I got 1690 odd but second day when all the newcomers came from the public BETA I dropped to about 1550 me thinks.. If anyone can let me know how you check your rank, muchos appreciated
you check in the arena. after playing 3 games, it'll tell you what rating you are. to see your division, you check your b.net stats. don't think there's any way to check on b.net right now though also Ladnil, you're a Roger Clemons (onyx)
Haha I really don't know why but the game just comes easy, only into an hour of playing Reach I was averaging plus 20. In my very first Arena game I got 1689. Not sure if thats amazing but comparing to the rest of the players In that game I'm pretty happy with it. I havn't played three matches yet so i'm not sure of division or whatever.
you have to play 3 matches per day, 3 times to be placed into a division. but yeah, 15-20+ per game and going 1689 on your first is pretty damn good.
1608 is the highest I've gotten, although I don't know what division I'm in and I can't check it since my disc tray broke. And I've had higher k/d's but oddly enough this one received a higher ranking. Bungie.net : Reach : Game Details Hopefully I can nab a new (or used) Xbox pretty soon to try and get a higher rating. Although that shouldn't be too hard or expensive since all I need is a base 360. Also, damn that Cosmic Rick, I do my best and he does better...