4. Mashed A top down racer for up to 4 players, Mashed seems like an odd concept for a game, yet is one of the best party racing games to grace a console. With fairly simple tracks interspersed with power-ups, Mashed feels a little like Mario Kart turned on its head: instead of the first to 3 laps formula, the camera follows the car coming first and once you've slipped enough behind, you're out of the race. Despite it's poor single player offering (that must be finished to unlock additional maps) the multiplayer has a cult following, especially in the UK. 3. Mega Man Battle Network In the stagnant, clichéd RPG genre, Mega Man Battle Network is a great example that sometimes it pays off to try new ideas. Set in a close future, instead of interfacing with computers directly, humans plug transportable A.I into whatever technology they need to use. When inside technological devices, you have a chance to run into a computer virus (in randomised battle RPG fashion). Instead of turn based combat however, you control Megaman's position over a 3x3 square area and use randomly dealt 'chips' which have different effects, radius's and damages to defeat opponents. While occasionally there is a bit too much dialogue to sift through, and the lack of an auto-save feature (which you will not notice until you die and have to revert back an hour, or more) Mega Man Battle Network probably has the best combat and head-to-head multiplayer of any GBA game. Yes, i've heard of Pokémon. Not bad. Not bad at all. 2. Psychonauts The story follows Raz: a psychic boy who has ran away from his life as an acrobat to a summer camp where budding psychic youth are trained. After experiencing a series of nightmares, it soon becomes apparent that someone is stealing the brains of the campers, and Raz uses his newly honed powers to investigate. As a Psychonauts, Raz is able to to explore the minds of others as physical representations of their psyche, each a dungeon where obstacles (or psychoses) must be overcome to proceed. Originally released for the Xbox, as with any game by Tim Schafer, Psychonauts was astoundingly funny and praised by critics for it's originality and off-beat (but oh-so right) humour. If you have a few points left over, you can get it through XBL marketplace. 1. Golden Sun Whether it was the immersive and detailed plot, the pristine visuals or the great classic RPG gameplay, Golden Sun is a game that has been presented so well you cant help loving it. You play as Issac, and although the game gets to a slow start, eventually you pursue and try to prevent Saturos and Menardi from lighting four elemental lighthouses which would bring about a powerful and dangerous force known as Alchemy to the world of Weyard. The game also has some really tricky environmental puzzles, some of which will require you to use Psynergy (the game's form of 'magic") which can be use in or out of battle. That this was on the GBA 8 YEARS AGO, is damn impressive.
I played Sonic Adventure 2 battle. It was so fun. The chao garden got abit anooying sometimes but the cutscenes and music were great! along with gameplay
Nope. I've only ever has a SNES, a gameboy colour, a GBA, a Playstation, an Xbox and then an Xbox 360. My only regret was never owning a N64, not for lack of asking though.
One of the greatest games on the Gamecube, along with Tales of Symphonia and Super Smash Bros. Melee. In fact, just now reminiscing about these games made me want to go out and buy a Gamecube.
The game was immense fun real time strategy. I would still play it now if I could find it. YouTube - Team Buddies - On Yer Bike (2nd mission) YouTube - Team Buddies Tribute There was SO MUCH to the game
Spider man 2 was amazing. Also, Jet Grind Radio for sega dreamcast. Probably the best game I've ever played and almost nobody knows about it. Avatar pic related, it's the game. Basically your a skater punk who skates around painting the city. You gain followers and **** and try to stick it to the man while thwarting the plans of some big organization. IT'S AWESOME! Do not compare to jet set radio future. First one was so much better.
Own and beat all of them but mashed. Megaman is one of the best games out there,And I must say they are all great.
I wasted so much time playing that game when it was new. It was such a good, addicting game. Not necessarily one of the best you've never played, but Metro 2033 is a pretty good game. Very enjoyable single player experience.
Oh wow Jet Grind Radio and Jet Set Radio Future were probably the most fun games I have ever played. They had the best soundtracks ever! Haha so many memories... Super smash bros. was awesome, too.