Power Arena A small course with plenty of power - great for games with just a few people. Map: Download Here Game Type: Any free for all (Slayer works best) Players: 2-4 This is my first map ever. It's a small T-shaped course with plenty of power weapons, perfect for casual slayer games with a friend or two. The map is symmetrical with several levels and a floating platform. You can get around the map by climbing up the stairs, dumpsters and wire spools or by using the three man cannons. This plays best with slayer but it can work with oddball or king of the hill. The oddball spawns in the middle of the map and there is a hill by each power up and a third hill in the middle. Weapons: 2 Shotguns 2 Assault Rifles 2 Battle Rifles 2 Needlers 3 Energy Swords 1 Grav Hammer 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Brute Shot 1 Spartan Laser 4 Frag grenades 4 Plasma grenades 4 Spike grenades 2 Firebomb grenades This picture shows the three man cannons as well as the platform with a Spartan Laser on it. You can also see the two needlers as well as the stairs to get to the second level and the dumpsters to get to the top level. Here you can see the grav hammer, one of the three swords, the active camo and in the top left you can see one of the shot guns. On the right is a raised section with the sniper rifle and rocket launcher, at the back of the section is 6 fusion coils which makes getting the weapons a risk. In this picture you can see the over shield at the end and the flame thrower in the middle.
The map layout is good but its execution isn't. If you were to interlock, it would make this so much better. If you dont know how to interlock here's the link to the interlocking tutorial. http://www.forgehub.com/index.php?pageid=ilo
interlocking isnt always essential for a map. The map looks decent and there really isnt a reason for it. My problem is that it looks like you tried to wall in the map, but people can grenade jump on top of the wall then walk around outside the map
It looks alright, reminds me of a map from either halo 1, or 2 i cant actually remember which.. lol. Dont worry about everyone complaining about interlocking, its time consuming and hardly essential.
aren't you running a thread about this topic right now xD it's not. this map look fine as is. some of the items have been rushed when placed ( IE the floating bridge is crooked) but it sill looks good. interlocking doesn't make or break a map.
Interlocking is in now way essential for a map to be fun. If all you are focused on is how the map works go to the Asethetic maps section. Interlocking is a useful tool to make maps but it doesn't have to be placed everywhere in everymap.
No, it really isn't. Interlocking just takes a lot of time and although it can make a map look nicer, it's hardly required. It's not as if a non-interlocked object suddenly makes the map completely unplayable. And I'm definitely going to download this, looks interesting.
I believe it is a very well designed map. I think you could smoothen things out a bit by doing some of the following: Interlocking (where it is needed). Straightening out some of the walls/boxes. If you flip the boxes over it adds for a smoother walk across (Plus it looks nicer). If you follow a few of these tips I'm sure this map could make a great slayer map. But, very good on the design mate.
hello there welcome to forgehub, looks like a good map for one of your first map posts. just so you know interlocking isn't really required but it makes your maps look neater