Strategy: Armor Lock

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by LIGHTSOUT225, May 3, 2010.


    Senior Member

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    I'm ripping this post from another group I'm in to share it here, because its awesome. All credit goes to Odin12345 for this write-up.

    There are three stages to the armor lock:
    1.) Engage
    2.) Hold
    3.) Break

    Note: This is created by tapping the LB, creating the EMP but not going into the Hold stage.

    From the moment you hit LB to the moment you are "crouched", you are in the "Engage" stage. You are still vulnerable at the very beginning, but the end part creates an EMP burst that is your friend. This EMP is very similar to a small hammer strike. It will hurt or remove shields and it will cause projectiles to jump away from you.

    When to use:
    a.) Explosives survival: Use this for grenades and rockets. If you are Really good with timing, you can use it to shoot a rocket back at the enemies.
    b.) Sword counter: This can counter the sword, disabling his shields and allowing you to finish him off with a melee. (See video of it in action)
    c.) Melee counter: Lets say you are out of shields and the enemy is AR charging you with full shields. You know the melee is coming up, so Engage to counter the melee, then finish him off.

    Note: You must plan on Engaging only. Don't commit to a full hold, or you will be too slow for the above maneuvers.

    Most players think of Armor Lock as a Holding maneuver to delay the inevitable. This is a narrow view that ignores the benefits of Delaying the Inevitable.

    Starting an attack:
    One Flag CTF on Powerhouse is a Great example. Armor lock goes in first. The enemy spams their grenades, rockets, and tubes at the first enemy they see. An armor-locked player can survive this explosion, allowing the teammates to enter from the other sides unscathed from the carnage. It is a great opening move for a flag attack.

    Surviving an attack:
    This is what most people think of when they see armor lock. It is great for a defender in a team match. If you know your teammates are around the corner, just lock up and wait to be saved.

    Regenerating shields:
    This requires a bit of Foresight. Lets say it takes 15 seconds until your shields recharge and armor lock only lasts for 7. You just finished a firefight, you are out in the open and your shields are down. Try to wait about 8 seconds, then engage armor lock. It protects you while your shields recharge.

    Returning an enemy flag:
    Stand on the flag and lock. If they try to grab the flag, use the Break.

    If you hold on to armor lock for a sufficient amount of time, it creates another EMP. For the most part, players have adapted. However, there are still a few situations where the break is key.

    Melee counter: Break right when you see them meleeing. This will allow you to melee in between their melees.

    Flag Savior: When you are returning the flag, the enemy may try to grab it. Let them grab it (they will usually turn to run away) and Break, allowing you to get a one-hit-kill.

    How to counter Armor Lock
    Rule #1: If you see an enemy in armor lock, STAY AWAY! My tool of death right now is the Melee simply because I beat down anyone foolish enough to get close.

    Rule #2: Don't use Rockets.

    Rule #3: Throw grenades, Slowly. Let the first one explode before you throw your second. This will force the armor locked enemy to chose between running and trying to hold for longer.

    Rule #4: Look for the enemy. Armor lock is a great distraction, so beware of others trying to get behind you.

    As you can see, the armor lock is MUCH more than a "Prolonging the inevitable" armor ability. Most of the time, I try to stick with the Engage, and occasionally I will Hold. I will only use Break if the enemy is really dumb or lazy.
  2. Odin12345

    Odin12345 Ancient
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    Don't tell Stosh! He'll nerf it!

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  4. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Can you tell us or show us in a video what happens when you armor lock mid air? better yet land on someone? Hehehee

    Senior Member

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    I actually don't think its possible. I think Urk was just making a joke when he said the "people die" bit.
  6. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    loving armour lock.

    saved my ass so many times and its so funny when someone waits in EMP range to kill you and you just jab em in the face
  7. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    You can't Armour Lock mid-air.

    Best armour lock counter is just stand right behind them.
    Sure, you're shields will go down, but the second that run out or stop, you can assassinate them.

    Senior Member

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    thats actually a terrible counter. Considering when armor locking, you can spin the camera 180 degrees, and when you break out of it, they will be facing you instantly.
  9. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    Loving the armor lock, I used it to win a game of one flag ctf. I killed the flag runner right next to the drop point with about 10 sec left in the match, armorlocked on their drop point right next to the flag. When the guy grabbed the flag, jumped out pushing him out and taking down his shields and finished up with a quick melee.
    #9 Teaco27, May 3, 2010
    Last edited: May 4, 2010
  10. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    So u guys think this is intentional for the perk or just a accident cause its a beta? either way its a great perk, but knowing that you can half way use it and not commit is cooler. I hope bungie doesn't decide to fix it cause if its so you can only lock down then it really will be more of a prolonging the inevitable perk.
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    definitely intentional.
  12. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Knowing how people in Modern Warfare 2 respond to a riot shield user, the armor lock should still be incredibly useful even if they make you commit to it. If one person uses armor lock in the middle of invasion almost all enemies will immediately target that player (even if they never shoot) giving a great opening for teammates to pop out of cover and fire. Additionally everyone will shoot at one player who is used as the sacrifice, yet he will not die and can draw out enemies for teammates. Either way armor lock will work well in strategic assaults.
  13. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    ya iv noticed already that when someone goes into lock down the enemy or even me and my team kinda wait around him lol. So could be great for ctf.
  14. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    its a nice tool, but not my face. i prefer run or jetpack, but i love just waiting around to kill the guy in armor lock.
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    More armos lock goodness courtesy of yours truly.

    pwnin noobs
  16. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Thanks for the info about the instant EMP, mate. That'll be hell helpful in games. :)
  17. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i wish you could armor lock in the air
  18. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    With the opening emp, would that be the thing that shuts down the ghost in one of the videos? or do vehicles actually explode when they hit you?
    I can see this AA becoming a huge hit in invasion, with so many different objectives and so many vehicles, it'll be great.
  19. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    I don't really care to use it because I'm more of a jet pack guy but if I ever decide to use one I will know what to do with it because of this. I do hate them at the same time though because whenever I am about to kill someone they use it and then their buddy comes in and kills me or when he finishes armor lock he throws a gernade.
  20. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Armor lock can be really annoying. It's a good ability, but I just get pissed when I drain someones shields, they go into armor lock, and their teammates assassinate me. :(

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