Sandbox Crescent V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Digtl Warrior, May 2, 2010.

  1. Digtl Warrior

    Digtl Warrior Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is Crescent V2. I've made quite a bit of changes from the original. The structure is pretty much the same as the first but the main rout, or walk way is wider. I have done a lot more ghost merging as well. the map is much smoother than it was originally, which is a big improvement. There are some other minor changes I have made which have made game play much better. The entire back wall has been removed and replaced by a rail. I hope you guys enjoy it, and any feedback would be great



    Battle Rifle x2 spawn 30 sec 2 clips
    Sniper Rifle x2 spawn 150 sec 2 clips
    Plasma pistol x2 spawn 30 sec
    Covenant Carbine x2 spawn 30 sec 2 clips
    Spiker x2 spawn 45 sec 2 clips
    Needler x2 spawn 45 sec
    SMG x2 spawn 45 sec
    Shotgun x1 spawn 150 sec


    Overshield x1 spawn 180 sec
    Regen x1 spawn 120 sec
    Bubble Shield x1 spawn 120 sec
    Plasma grenade x6 spawn 10 sec
    Frag Grenade x2 spawn 10 sec

    Overview from
    Bottom Mid
    Mid from
    Looking Down the
    Some Overview Shots
    Blue Base
    Red Base
    Angle Shots


    #1 Digtl Warrior, May 2, 2010
    Last edited: May 4, 2010
  2. Moxus

    Moxus Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You've got some really nice interlocked geometry here. I'm especially liking the teleporter pads; the grass combined with the custom teleporter construct looks really professional. That in mind, I'm a little concerned about the number of routes from base-to-base, but given the crescent shape that defines the map, I think you've done a decent job of varying the routes while keeping the general form.

    Very good!

  3. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's good looking, but the number of routes to take from base to base worries me. There's two routes; the teles and the middle path. So I'm guessing most people will camp their bases and the middle path, making lots of long range BR fights and sniper fights, and making the shotgun useless.

    You've got a good idea with the crescent shape, but it can be improved. I am guessing though, so I'll probably need to play it, or can you post a gameplay vid?
  4. jorgecb565

    jorgecb565 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As flameblad says, its concerning that you only have one route between the bases. You try to fit more in. Neverless, the asthetics look great, the forging look flawless, and structures seem unique. Keep on the good work
  5. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks very nice, and something I would be proud of. One thing that bothered me was the stone platforms with the bubble shields. They look great, but I think it would be better to not have a raise up section requiring a jump, and instead have a smooth walk. There is walkable area around it, so it is not a real concern at all, just a personal preference- it seems like an aesthetic > gameplay decision.

    As for the only 2 routes, I can only assume it is meant for doubles? The best way around this would be to have a path to the grass from the base directly without going outside towards the crescent. I would DL but I am away from my Xbox for 2 months.
  6. Digtl Warrior

    Digtl Warrior Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey guys, when I posted the first version of this map I had people telling me that they thought that man canons would be better than teleporters. I was just wondering what you guys thought. And I am going to see what I can do about making more routs to and from the bases.

  7. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    i honestly don't get why everybody's complaining about the one route thing. there are plently of maps in team doubles matchmaking that only had one path and noone said anything then.

    anyway, the structure's very well designed. it reminds me alot of the map named "helix". the aesthetics, btw, are crap-my-pants incredible. the obelisks stacked on top of each other, and the grass with the large columns and teleporter. the bases are very smoothly interlocked, and the center was done quite well. it has a very "guardian-ish" vibe, but, of course, the layouts are completely dissimilar.

    so overall, i give you a 9.3/10.

    aesthetics: 10 (alot of the stuff here i've never seen done before and it looks freakin sweet)
    gameplay: 10 (very fun to play on!)
    weapons:8 (like the one guy said, the shotguns useless when you have two snipers and several brs)
  8. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Maps without many routes to take have severely horrible flow. Teams end up getting spawn camped, and gameplay becomes predictable. And those matchmaking maps you're thinking of are NOT very good.

    Anyways, the aesthetics look pretty good, but like I said above, flow looks like it would be terrible. I'd love to see you add other paths, twisting around the main cresent area, while keeping up the aesthetics.
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    To actually answer the creator's question, mancannons are usually better when they can replace teleporters. Mancannons have a little thrill to the ride, and jumping gives someone good visibility of the landing area while a teleporter will leave the player clueless momentarily. Because mancannons just add another path unlike teleporters which just pop you from one place to another, putting more on a map is usually ok. To prevent the limitations of one path, you could add multiple sets of mancannons to cross the abyss in the center.

    Two significant reasons for mancannons over teleporters:
    1. Bungie put mancannons on Narrows, Valhalla, and Avalanche so they probably are better.
    2. I have never seen someone camp a mancannon (successfully).
  10. Digtl Warrior

    Digtl Warrior Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for answering my question about the man canons vs teles pyro6666, but I guess my next question would be. Is putting teleporters in more important than adding another rout? I only have a little more budget to work with and since I'm trying to make the map work for you guys, would like to hear what you guys want. And about the weapons, how the shotgun is useless. Do you think I should take the shotgun out, the sniper out, and/or something different?

    Let me know and I'll see what I can do.
  11. XeNon

    XeNon Forerunner

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    I love the aesthetics in the map, but those lack of routes will kill you. In my opinion the two routes in the middle won't be to big of a problem, the main problem will be the spawn trapping issue. Maybe you could take out part of the walls in the base, and add another protected spawning area. Are the spawns neutral for team slayer? That could be a somewhat good solution so the enemy won't know where you spawn.

    Right now I'm assuming there are four main spawning areas, bases and teleporter areas? If that is correct try to add a third to each base.

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