Psyched for later today? You'd better be, this game is awesome. Here's a full gameplay to tide you over, and there are Snipers involved . YouTube - Halo: Reach Beta - Sword Base TS
Looks great peg, one thing I did notice was the apparent ease in getting sniper headshots/kills. Is that because you're good or do you think its easier in reach? I've heard quite a few people saying its significantly easier to get sniper kills in reach.
One thing I noticed was at 9 minutes you lost a little health (all shields gone) but once out of harms way that little bit of health regenerated. Nice no scopes btw.
I'd like to think I'm OK, and my Sniper is definitely my strong point in H3. I personally felt like I would have hit those shots in 3, maybe even a little easier, though tbh I'm still really getting used to Reach so a direct comparison of ease is hard at this point. However, what did strike me about the Sniper is that it's the easiest transition from H3 for me by far. In the whole game, it's the thing that feels the most similar to how it was in 3. I guess that's because it's one of the only things (weapons/movement/melée/nades) which hasn't been drastically reimagined or completely removed from Reach. I'm still getting used to it and the game at large, but I can say one thing for certain right now. The Sniper feels ... right.
If you hit rock bottom with health, some of it comes back. Its a new game, and if you want ridiculously fast gameplay, wait for MLG. And Peg, can you tell me the difference with the DMR and Needler Rifle? so far they look like clones (BR/Carbine)
Yeah, my friend just speculated that it could be because the damage was self inflicted? Could be, not really sure. But health does recharge over time any way, just slower than that as I've noticed (except for Elites where it's faster). Agreed. Movement speed needs to go up a little, as does jump height. It makes out strafing people and general movement more difficult as it is. Also, check the nade damage at 6:50 onwards, when that guy kills me. Look at my shields and health before that nade explodes and tell me that nades aren't overpowered right now. It's not even like Halo CE where they had a really long fuse time, it's like spawning with two rockets. This is made worse by the speed decrease and not being able to get out of the way as easily, but I still think they're a bit insane right now. Sort of. The DMR really feels different for being a single shot weapon, and you have to start consciously adjusting your rate of fire to match the bloom, but it feels really good even at this early stage, I can pull of comfortable 5 shots a decent amount of the time as long as it's close-ish range. I need to get more comfortable with it and really work on my ranged RoF to find out what I really think of the DMR. Needler Rifle is cool, I can't quite place why I like it more than the Carbine but I do, headshotting in a close range spam battle is more natural and satisfying, it feels more responsive than the Carbine, I'd guess because of the lack of bullet delay.
Were you using the default control scheme? I can't see a conceivable way to aim and use an armor ability at the same time with bumper jumper. Nice sniper skillz btw.
I pretty much stick to sprint so it's fine, tapping the X button to drop in to sprint is perfectly useable. It does make Camo and Jetpack really awkward though. I couldn't give up my jump on the bumper, so Default is out for me, and I like sticking with sprint anyway so I'm happy enough with BJ.
Hopefully you can have an option to Toggle armour abilities like toggle crouch. That would be very useful instead of having to hold the button.
Toggle wouldnt make sense. It reduces precision of start and stop times of the AA. Btw, great quality on your video. And nice noscopes
Why do you insist on y/ying! It's so annoying, it doesn't benefit you, and it makes you look like a mulgetryharrrrdd
Same as the OGRE twitch tbh, it's more a psychological thing to keep myself poised than anything else. I say this to my friend as well since he randomly takes issue with my OGRE twitch: if it annoys you, don't watch. Posted from a net cafe/friend's house? And yes, yes you do.