Sandbox Rezaxiot

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Xelanoux, May 1, 2010.

  1. Xelanoux

    Xelanoux Forerunner

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    -Not actually.... but seriously download







    I DON'T REALLY FIND IT IMPORTANT TO DESCRIBE MAPS, but since I'm required to do so, it is meant for 8 - 12 total players in a balanced team engagement. Designed pimarily to support slayer but can support CTF as well, have fun and download so I can hug summore pixels... plz?
  2. Ix Massacre xxI

    Ix Massacre xxI Ancient
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    Well the map is pretty basic. You interlocked some to most things but not everything. Interlocking helps make the map look good and gives map the flow it needs to have good gameplay. To help with bumps the wood bridges you used in would interlock them with the Blocks they are on. Also the last picture, the rocket spawn, I would interlock the wedges into that block large. I like some of the astetic touches like the pilllar thing in the center (1st pic). You should aslo put a weapins list up for people. With these things I have said you should be able to improve on this map.
  3. Xelanoux

    Xelanoux Forerunner

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    - personally i'm not a very high level forger, so what you say is a generally high praise for my beginning work i'd assume, but for this map i tried to make a very sensible and interesting map without block limit glitches or budget glitches, so what you suggest, would put my map over the top for block limit, due to the fact that interlocking some blocks would result in an extra purpose for the double roles that my individual blocks satisfy.

    - the wedges, for example - were they interlocked would require several compensating blocks for the height problems, and generally the non interlocked blocks were placed in a manner which limits their capability to impede gameplay.

    thanks for the input however
  4. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    What kind of monstrosity is this map's name? Anyway the map look like good gameplay, yet mostly unmerged and could be made in only a couple of days. Nothing Special 3/5
  5. Xilias

    Xilias Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Regardless of what some OTHER people are saying, I really like the look of this map. I myself love maps that don't have every last thing merged. My only concern is (as with all maps that have non-interlocked areas), are there significant bumps or gameplay-altering "grenade black holes"?. I'll have to DL it when I get home to check it out first-hand, but from what I can see, I'll give you an 8/10.

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