Sorry i still dont have any screenshots of the map. but ive wrote a little story of what happens in the game Game play Humans:The humans play as the monkeys Alpha zombie:The Alpha zombie plays as the fat kid Infected:The infected play as the anerexics The Aim of the game is...The fat kid chases after the monkeys and trys to eat them,The monkeys dont like that idea so they run away. They start by just jumping away BUT that doesnt stop the fat kid he just bounces after them.Their Next move is to climb a tree,again with out succes the fat kid can bounce up that too.So the monkeys (Being very smart) make a break for the circus (they know a fat kid cant turn down hot dogs and candyfloss) The monkey fire themselves from the monkey cannon,Again the fat kid follows(The fat kid just gets to were-ever the monkeys go because hes a spaz) through this journey the monkeys Randomly turn into super monkeys(The pick up Snipers) If the fat kid eats a monkey an anerexic joins the monkey hunt(because they are hungry)But being a anerexic they have no fat to protect them selves.(this makes them extremely weak against gunfire) The anerexics get really pissed of with the monkeys because they keep shooting them and they keep dying(being super monkeys they stay very far away with their snipers) Along the way the monkeys,fat kid,or anerexics can fall at any time(so the fat kid can take advantage of this he spits at the monkeys just before they fall(he gets no meal but another anerexic joins in)) Rules:No Camping behind monkey or human spawn points Anerexics are real people to (so give them 5-10 seconds before shooting them(this applys to monkeys only) please dont remove i will edit it when i get back. Rules 1)No Spaen killing give them a 5 to 10 second time alive 2)No camping at final part (if you are last man standing you must kill yourself no matter were you are(just to make it fair))(you wont get spawn killed because of rule 1) 3)Dont push mongooses of the edge(you team mates need them and with out them the game cant be played properly) 4)Add-on from 3 you can shoot the mongooses of the edge if a zombie is on it 5)Anerexics cant hide behind fat kid 6)Use any way possible of getting to the end (there are the ovious ways and a few more(like jumping on the cannon man as soon as you land on it,ect) 7)Dont get annoyed with the game(It has no timer but if the fat kid is good the it will only last a few minutes,if he/she is bad then the game could take anything up to 30mins(1 round only)) P.S.there are 3 rounds 8)Not really a rule but Have Fun!!!!! Download links Map: Game:
this is... I dont even... WTF at least put up pics and description man ,I dont know the link to photobucket but im sure someone will post it, also having honor rules is going to make the map suck, you can eliminate it by changing it so for 5 seconds after someone spawns they are invincible.
*Face-Anvil* This is the epitome of all that is wrong with Forgehub. I hope that later on, people will be be able to use this post as an example of what not to do in a well-respected forum.
I would argue that since time was so tight, perhaps releasing at a later time would be better? -=Moxus=-
still no screenshots but i have the rules ect posted now screenshots will be at a later date because i have been on reach beta,and helping out my fellow clan members with forge and customs --- Over dramitic Much?
Sorry but Pictures are a REQUIRMENT. No pics, and your map won't get that many downloads. Also there seems to be way to many honour rules, and that is never really that great in any game type that is for casual.