Dreams can say a lot about a person, sometimes subconsciously, so post your dream and I (along with anyone else) will try to analyze it.
I had a dream about me kicking ass in Halo Reach. I honestly did have a dream about reach...and I hardly dream...
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. Nah jks -.- I had a dream along time ago that comes up once in a while where I'll have shapes randomly resize etc which I can't control (I normally can). It will only last a few seconds but its ****ing weird. (No I don't drink or take drugs)
Uhh the shapes are white on a black background, umm I can't open my eyes while I'm having it, it's not scary it's kinda calming but odd I sound ****ed up don't I? aahah -.-
Sorry about sounding like a douche, but I really did dream about that... How does a dream about one of my friends (girl) for analyzing?
ok this is true, but this is all i can remember ok im sitting in my school field with 2 of my friends talking about somthing i cant remember, (prob somthing about her hight) i seem to anoy friend one, there for chasing me leaving friend 2 behind she chases me through my school gates were i meet my best freind (freind 3) , who i jump on like a horse but say "hut hut hut" (like samurai jack) and he speeds off i turn around to see freind 1 jump on a clone of freind 3 and she also says "hut hut hut" and chase after me (all this now being in the streets around my school) so we speed off and i and i look back and see her jumping from her "ride" onto me pushing me off leaving the friend 3 and clone to crash and blow up.... friend 2 lands ontop of me with a army knife in her mouth and a twitch in her eye (this now in a big crop field) and then i wake up (alarm) side notes: freind 1 is small-ish friend 2 is... is not the most sane of people (but that could be said for all of us) freind 3 is quite large hence the riding weather is sunny and normal so doc tell me how my skull works
I had this dream where I was in an apocalyptic desert wasteland, I came across a destroyed town, it was night, I could see a bonfire, I scoped the place out, I waited until the two were asleep, one is lying on a chair, I grab a long, sharp piece of metal and decapitate him, I carry his torso into a nearby empty shop, I peel off his skin and take out his arm, I attach it onto my shoulder with some hex keys and electrical tape, I flex my wrist to make sure it's working right.
Lol, I'm sorry but I predict your going to die. O.O Nah jks. I think you probably did something to one of your friends which you know would make them annoyed and so subconsciously you dreamt about it. Too much fallout and jeapers creapers for you! AHAH
Ok, let's give this a go. Umm... listen mate have you been doing anything out of the ordinary recently? Honestly I don't know what to make of it.
Awhile ago I would have dreams about being alone in an ocean. It was me and an inter-tube donut. The water was everywhere but the clear blue sky. I would sit in the inter-tube, then fall into the water for awhile, then wake up. I also would have these dreams before I would brush my teeth when I'm tired. They were about me in a green field then turn around and have a huge spider bite me in the leg.
My Dreams are awesome. Example (Really happened) : At first, I was riding on my Charizard in some desert with my family, and two hot chicks from school. We were Treasure Hunters, and I had Eagle Vision from Assassin's Creed, allowing me to see the Treasure. We were battling a Sphinx that had the treasure under it's paws, submerged in water. I don't know what happened, but we beat the Sphinx and the girls from school kissed me. Then I woke up. D; Again, I WAS RIDING ON A CHARIZARD.
Mannnnn I have so many dreams. Here's my most recent. I am trapped in this building, and I'm trying to escape. But it's like a game. My friend that has done it leaves hints behind. I finally make it. Then it's like I am looking at a wall that shows a history of my family, and it shows all the dates of people that died.
You are running through life as if it is a game, but once this game of life is over you see that no one ever wins.
glad someone finally started a thread about this i have a reoccuring dream in which im walking on huge colored blocks suspended in white nothingness. like the time trial courses in mirrors edge. i have an incredible feeling of calm, and the dream always ends with me jumping off and falling towards the earth, but for some peculiar reason, im not scared but exhilarated. i cant figure what it means for the life of me >.<
I have this reccuring dream where a guy with a stripped sweater, a melted face and a bladed hand is trying to kill me.