Just thought I would check-up on that, and yes, you are indeed the admin -.- And NP, I think it will be interesting to see what forgers will make of the information, there is an even larger list on se7ensins, I won't post that tough (but still check it out), it's a modding communtiy so its frowned upon here ;p EDIT: @Meta - Uhh, mini custom campaigns?? DURR! -.-
We are not going to be playing campign in the MULTIPLAYER BETA. What we are playing is a certain "build" of Halo Reach, so their will be codes in the beta that relate to the rest of Reach, similar to how modders found codes in MW2 that suggested that the g36 and m40 were in Mw2 which they are not. So what you see is stuff that will be in the final game not the beta. Sorry if that doesnt make sense, im tired and couldnt come up with the right words to make it all make sense but what ever.
Uhh I think we knew that. Yes it was code they didn't clean out, probably an intentional leak. The suggested feature is not a gun tough, it is a whole new mode, which they wouldn't just remove now, it's not as easy to make as a gun.
Things that stood out to me Spoiler Vehicles: Revenant Sabre Chopper DLC: First DLC will be the Heroic map pack Playlists: There will be a playlist just for Xbox LIVE Trial memberships Strange string data Uploading debug files. Please do not turn off your Xbox 360 console. MEGALO OPTIONS That's Just... Wrong Are you sure you want to delete this saved search? Take your party to combat and objective-based missions that you select and design. Your rules, your maps, your game. Onyx: You are the way their world ends. Weapons: Concussion Rifle Fuel Rod Gun Campaign (All I know so far) Training Misson (With Sgt. Johnson) YESSSSSSSSSSS Equipment: (Probably scrapped) Ammo Pack Power fist FALCON !!!! Repulsor Sensor Pack Super Jump Emp Pulse Shield Generator Hologram Gametypes: VIP (Thought this would get scrapped) Assault (Same as above) Infection Bumper Cars (WTF?) DogFight (WTF??) =D Golf (WTAF???) Grifball (HOLY SHITE!) HogPile (LOL!) Now THIS should be fun Soccer (OMFG!)
@willimatic Is all that stuff made up or actually hacked out of something. If you are serious then evade was not scrapped shield generator=lockdown super jump=jetpack golf and soccer: natural extensions of grifball. gravity hammer is the only brute weapon they appear to be keeping so it seems logical they will have more uses for it dogfight: I was hoping to build a map for this first thing in reach using all my experience from such maps in H3 and create a monopoly. At least bungie could probably have more options in making a map.
Forgot to take out evade. Sheild generator or super jump could be something else, why would lockdown and jetpack be listed twice? And the rest, we don't know