No doubt about it, i think this map is perfect for competitive play. WEAPONS x2 sniper rifles x6 assault rifles x4 needlers x4 machine gun turrets x2 plasma cannons x2 spartan lasers x1 sword x2 covenent carbines x4 battle rifles x1 beam rifle This thread does not meet Forge Hubs standards, you have been given one day to fix it and have not. Locked. -Biggles2
Hey bud, welcome to Forgehub! We're glad to have you,but there are a few posting rules that we obide by to make viewing maps more enjoyable. Turn your attention to the top of the forums for instructions on how to post a detailed description,embed pics,include a working download link,and make it all look purty! Follow these steps and your map will get noticed fo sho!
Hey I see your picture and it is reallly tiny. Make that bigger and add a few more pictures to this post.
I know there's no pics or anything so I can't be sure, but do I read that there are six turrets? Not good...