The Heroic Map Pack costs Microsoft Points as we all know. so a few of my friends told me that they had copied the maps from another friend for free? is that even possible? ----- bump(?) I dont have the new maps, but when i went over to my best friends house on Friday, i forged up a map called "Altitude" over an 11 1/2 hour period lol (8 pm - 7:30am) - Altitude is mainly a CTF Map, but works pretty well for slayer (but not in the open, there it sucks lol) - Features a three storied main base with a main entrance, two flanks and a second floored entrance. - Working crate elevator in the middle of the stairs wrapping around. - - The elevator was really just a P.O.C. but its cool anyways. (there are three in the map) -------------------- Defense Obviously has the main base. Very limited ammo (will explain later) - which means like, no respawn - includes one sniper (8 rounds) - one shotgun (12 rounds) - two smgs (uhh, 1 spare clip. for each.) --------------------- Offense Starts on opposite side of the map. Has a weapon room. - four BRs - two Shotguns - All grenades - Bubble Shield - Regen - Energy Drain - Tripmine - - one Sniper - one Rocket Launcher ---------------------- The "Assault" Phase Timed spawns (180 sec.) for the following --- Offense (used to be a wraith, but that was $26) Two choppers (i dont remember if i took those out too.) Four swords in the center of weapon room. --- Defense Gauss Warthog in garage to counter their vehicles. .. more to be added sometime. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is no access into the weapon room during CTF / Assault (symmetrical) games. During Slayer (asymmetrical) there is a two-way teleporter from the main base. I added all the bells and whistles including (when flag is away) spawns timed spawns for better weapons in weapon room (like spartan laser 10 sec) symmetric / asymmetrical item spawns. turrets scattered about. shoot i almost forgot to mention, the point for the defense for having low ammo is because they have to run the the "neutral base" - if it is one anyways, to pick up more ammo, instead of being gay and hiding inside the base all game. umm i seriously recommend checking it out. SUGGESTIONS PLEASE - haha. we got some wacky ideas to work out as you can see. - oh especially suggestions for saving money! on my file share: Zero Fox l Also like i said earlier, i do not own this map myself (at least at the moment) so no screenshots or anything. umm those would be appreciated if you guys play it. thanks! p.s. its my first forge map.. heh. well serious one anyways.
Actually yes it is possible. All you need is a portable memory unit that you plug in the front. You can do it with anything you download on an xbox, you can just transfer it to other xboxs up to 5 times. So if he puts the map pack on that then takes it and transfers to your HD it would be fine. This works with arcade games as well, also gamertags. -Donuts
Even if you could use a portable memory device, it can only be MOVED, not copied. You can only remove it from one Xbox, put it on a device, then put it on another. No copying is possible.
So are they going to give us our points back when the maps are free or are we going to get the shaft.
Of course not, it was your choice to buy early and if you did then you bought them and thats it. Did you not play Halo 2, do you think we got our money back, No.
Well I think the people who bought the R6 maps early eventually got their points back, thats why I said that.
I'm not sure. I just remeber being on the R6 forums and people were complaining how they weren't getting their refunds, then several days later they said they got their refunds, so I'm assuming that if you buy something on marketplace and it goes free you get a refund, sort of like how if you buy say a toaster a walmart and then later that toaster goes on sale you can take your proof of urchase back to the store and get some money back.