If you could make an iPhone game, what would you make? When you answer could you please organize you information like the example below. I don't care if you do or don't, it just helps. Example below Name -Zombie Defence (yes, I know it's generic, but I couldn't think of anything else.) App type -Over-the-top shooter Price -free Concept -Defend yourself against the hordes of the undead. Set up bases that utilize the land and search for survivers. Utilize the zombies' main weakness : light. Play campaign mode with four different difficulties and several in-game weeks of survival. Test your skills in Siege mode and test strategies in the "sandbox". There's just my skin and bones example. Feel free to add more catagories if you wish. Like I said, I don't care if you don't organize your post like that, it just helps.
I'd probably just make an app that allows people to Falcon Punch pictures of people they hate. It would show an animation of Captain Falcon punching the picture and screaming "FALCON 111!ONE!" If they could get closed caption for it, the ones would show up. It would be free, of course, since nobody in their right minds would pay for something as silly as that. It would also be iPad compatible.
I've downloaded my fair share of fps's on the phone. **** zombies and sandstorm have great controls. But it's not perfect. The developers seem to use every function on the screen, how bout motion control? I'm thinking of motion control dictating where the player moves, I'm sure you know what I mean. I think an Unreal, halo, or quake kind of game would suit well with all the movement from the phones. This probably won't be free.