Reach is coming out monday........ woot woot! anyways you need to be able to download it or it's on lock for children... im one year away to be considered to be an adult according to xbox live..... is there a way i can change my settings so that i can play mature rated content because it's really POing me and i wan't to play my REACH... i know i can download it off another account i can make and then possibly play it but i'm lazy and i don't want to do that for everything.... please help me forgehub commune "your my only hope"
as long as you have the adults password and e-mail addres you used to make the account you can chage the setings on the xbox
I don't think it will stop you downloading it even if you are locked. If it does, just use on of your 3 free months that come with every xbox console. I've used one of mine already Also, tell your parents to stop being stuck up asses and unlock your console.
You just can't do certain things on XBL. You can still play, but you need an adult's email and confirmation.
If you still have a child account, you will be able to play the reach beta since it is accessed straight from the disc which is what the last update said. If you have restrictions on your account to play certain games, then you will need an email and password.
Dude, it doesn't matter. You have a childrens account, you can't download any mature content. Trust me, when I made my gold account, I accidently made it a child account and I could download any mature content, even when everything was set on "allowed". You just have to wait until you turn 18 or make another gold account...
From the weekly update, as long as mature content isn't blocked on your xbox, and with most people they don't have mature content blocked, then you can download it.
I've read through the thread and everyone has made some good suggestions, but I also have a good suggestion but it won't really help any one in this thread. Well it's not really a suggestion but, when you turn 17, the adult restrictions are turned off.
Its 18. I don't know why either, since M is for 17 and up. But when I turned seventeen in february, I still couldn't upgrade to an adult account and then my brother said you have to wait one more year.
My friend told me his account was lifted when he was 17 and I believe him, hell you have to be 17 to buy M rated games and to watch R rated movies, not 18. So I see absolutely no reason why in the world it would be 18.
Sadly, the same can not be sad for Xbox Live... For you to upgrade your account to an adult account you have to be 18 years old. I know this because I am 17 and less then 20 days from being 18 years old. Good thing I have a back up account I created that is over 18 so I can download those games. I've tried several times to lift that stupid child account and all of them has failed so the only way to download the beta when our under 18 (That I know of) is to create a second account with a fake birth date over 18 so you can download the beta.
It doesn't matter. When I went to download it early with my code it said it was rated Ec (early childhood). Although mine was a code and would have no problem in the download Bungie made it do there wasn't any problems downloading through ODST.