Hello everyone again, This is SniperRecon001[GT=BeheId]. I have completed my 6th Puzzle map so-far. This map has new techniques to it and also... da, da, da, daa!! New Challenges. Woo. Yes folks, I have thought up some crazy challenges for you people because I love you guys. I have been working and thinking on this map for like 2 weeks now. This is harder than my last puzzle map Mind Breaker V2. This is also the hardest puzzle I have ever built so... ARE YOU GUYS READY.... well here it is... Shadow on The Day!! Overview 1st Challenge 2nd Challenge 3rd Challenge 4th Challenge 6th Challenge 7th Challenge 9th Challenge 11th Challenge 13th Challenge 14th Challenge 15th Challenge 17th Challenge 19th Challenge In the End The links to: The Day - Map Shadow -GAMETYPE REQUIRED I hope you guys enjoy playing as well as I built it. If you guys find any flaws in the map, PLEASE send me a message about it and I will fix. Other than that, ENJOY!!
Another puzzle map that i probably won't be able to figure out.... Anyways i appreciate the time you obviously took into making this map smooth. the last few puzzle maps ive tried were very bumpy and ultimatly, harder to do and looked quite sloppy. But im going to definatly hurt my brain trying this map. Also is there any particular reason you skipped pictures of certain challenges? (5,8,10,12,16 and 18). Regardless, i cant wait to get frustrated and rage quit and attempting this map.
The only reason why I skipped the challenges was because I didn't want to give away the whole map just by the pictures, and that I also didn't want to make the post really long.