Okay in reach, there is a gametype called 3 hill or w/e were you capture territories and gain points every second for every territory you have. I thought this would be a very good new feature for a new halo Basically, normal map setup, just gametype is adjusted so every you get a point every second for every hill. Thoughts?
I doubt regular territories will be taken out. Old favorites like VIP and infection are in why take territories out?
I didn't say it would? Try reading over again. It was more of a suggestion for reaches new options for custom games. You will understand if you play a few games.
Sounds a lot like domination from MW2. But conquest wise it could work out quite well, this would make it so teams cant sit in there bases and do one massive rush on the final minute.
It would be more like tug of war if you get points for the number of territories you have, not how many you have at the end of the round.
Exactly kumquat, it would radicly change the gametype but it would fix the rush at the end technique and it would be more fun than, ohh I has 3, they has 2, it would be more like, **** we need 2 more territories in the next 30 seconds if were going to win, they have too many points! :OOOO
This might though lead to teams just stopping after gaining the majority of the territories. Maybe we should keep conquest the same. Tinkering with already good gametypes will only make them worse. e.g. Slayer BR's=win Team SWAT = dont get me started
You never know (the gametype is not perfect it can be improved). Team swat cannot be compared to team slayer, totally different league of gametypes tbh.
Exactly my point, it would make unfair games go much quicker, it would fix problems witch last minute pushing and it would make it much more fun.
Territories isn't being taken out but it's being changed back to how it was in halo 2 where the default is basically like domination in COD except you get a point for every second. I think its an improvement. I don't think there was a flag rally like in halo 3 though. so the gametype may change a bit.
Three Plot is based of territories, otherwise it would have been called three plot and they would have scrapped the name territories? Bungie.net : Reach : Game Details The only territories game is three plot so far and they have been testing all the new game types, not the old ones (excluding slayer but that's obv got to be tested for the new game) so you can therefore conclude that the settings of three plot can be changed in the custom games setup.
They said halo 2 style 3 plot. They never said the name would be 3 plots (which is what the default territory was named in halo 2). I never said that you couldn't change anything through custom games. All i'm saying is the default is probably gonna be just like halo 2's default was. Im just talking default here, I never said things would be excluded. My point is however, that 3 plots is basically flag rally, which is what conquest is. If 3 plots is default, they probably aren't going to have something exactly like flag rally from halo 3. They might but the two gametypes would be so similar that bungie probobly wouldn't have it.
Ahh I see. I don't see why they would do that tough, I think they will just have it saved under the territories gametype, just my opinion tough and I fully understand why you have chosen yours
Conquest will simply, evolve. Improvements will be made to it, along with new functions. It would have to change a little in order to match up with reaches functions anyway. Were going to end up seeing conquest on steroids. Dibs on making it. Anyway, maps will be built to understand all factors of gameplay, like armour lock, jetpack, camo, and sprint. If they are chosen to be apart of the gametype. Just picture a center territorry wi... I just got an idea.
Yeah obviously new maps will have to be made and abilities taken into account. I can just imagine pitch black map (You have the ability to see in the dark on military police armor) and armor lock and fkin grenade galore, BEASST! We gathered that -.- Behind the time lol