My Bunker-in-ProgressHi Forgehub! This a map preview for my Bunker map that I have been working on for 4-6 hours or so. I still curently working on the bunker. I hope to make a main road in view of the angled part of the bunker. The main road would be for vehicles such as warthogs, The area that isn't used by the road or bunker I hope to be able to make a "nutural" landscape that is traversable by infantry. I might also add sniper towers either for the attackers or defenders. I also hope to make the gameplay as balanced as possible. Anyway, onto the pictures. This is an overview of the bunker from a distance. Uploaded with This is another overview, a bit closer though and at a different angle. Uploaded with This is a literal overview. The empty area is where the ramp up to the upper level. Uploaded with This is one angle of the lower level. The windows will have shield doors if the attackers can go on the walkway. Uploaded with This is a view of the lower level from the opposite corner than the previos picture. Edit: I have added more pictures of my progress since last time. i have been playing the beta a lot. This is a view of the upper floor in its current state. This is a view from afar of the bunker as it is now. This is an overview of the map as it is now. Anyway, that's all I have to show you for now. Edit: I have added more pictures of my progress since last time. i have been playing the beta a lot.
Does look well made but i do think you will have object issues if you plan on making a natural landscape aswell.
Yeah, I figured that out aswell. When I make the landscape it will probably have that worn stone desert-y look.
From the looks of it, you can't shoot out the windows just by standing. I'd lower a few of the windows (not all of them) so that you can shoot through them. I'd also recommend adding at least one entrance from the front if you're going for a competitive map. For that, think of the bunkers on the MW2 map, Afghan.
It would have been cool if you made a little hole on the floor. Also.. is there even an entrance.. or are the defenders kept inside?
@ AceOfSpades, I will add a second level, I just haven't got around to it. There will be a ramp up to the second floor, where there will be one continuous window slit. I am going for a casual feel of "attack the base". @Turtle Beetch, The defenders will be kept inside the bunker and gradually will gain better weapons to counter the ever strengthening waves of enemies. I may need help on the wave spawn mechanism in custom games.
Trust me, you won't be able to make enough natural looking landscape with all those objects and that amount of budget already used up. I'd have a re-think about the bunker and remake it with budget in mind.
Ok, I'll think of sometype of other cover, but I won't redo my bunker. That's the last thing I want to do.
The bunker looks epic but the firing ports seem wasted when people cannot fire out of them. Adding a ledge in front of these could allow people to shoot out. The bunker looks epic, but you really need to expand it up the hillside another level. Tunnels in might also work nicely. For surrounding scenery, just keep it to merging pieces into the ground to create moderate cover but no real structures. Large emplacements are for defenders, open fields with vehicles are for attackers. The bunker looks large enough to support a full BTB match of assault, CTF, or territories so you could go for vehicles for the attackers and power weapons for the defenders.
I will add another layer to the base, further expanding it up the hillside. The second level will have firing ports that you can shoot out of. The level I am showing is for spawns and some weapons