Nmuloc Htneves In this map, you will find two Sniper Towers, as well as two Turret Towers towards the cliffside opposite of each base. There are also 4 areas outside of the map to utilize. These areas are: *Top of Red Base *Top of Blue Base *2 areas above the Seventh Column area, cliffside. This map is balanced respectfully, and has a fluid gameplay. The "Juicy" effect has been added. Nmuloc Htneves has been playtested many times to ensure quality, and is very pleasing to the eye. Want More?! Air Joust . Anarchy Cave ....::.: Legendary DLC variant :.::.... Arena Canvas . Battlestation #7 . Desert Storm . Redemption ...::. Heroic DLC variant .::... Sands of Doom . Standoff or Die ...::.Heroic DLC variant.::... The Spartan Speedway . Vengeance....::Heroic DLC Variant.::...
so this is your standard avalanche, but with some sniper towers? Sweet! I hope that the snipers are placed at each snipe tower, because normal ava is a mean set up, where if you own the center structure, you own the map