Out of an urge for randomness, I have decided to make a list of every single Sandbox canvas I have ever came across. It has details under the download link so you can find the right one that suites your needs (I can guarantee you there will be one). And for anyone that says that there is already a thread for this, I did not find anything with this many canvases. Plus, it is good for people like me who need many different canvases for many different things. Anyways, each download has a list of details and an overall picture (if I could find one). Enjoy!: Current Canvas Count: ~ SBCanvas Budget Glitched: No Guardians Blocked: No Original Objects: Yes Organized Objects: Yes Location of Objects: Near ceiling of Crypt Extra Details: Teleporters placed for easier navigation. Picture: SBCanvasBlock Budget Glitched: No Guardians Blocked: Yes Original Objects: Yes Organized Objects: Yes Location of Objects: Near ceiling of Crypt Extra Details: Teleporters placed for easier navigation. Picture: SBCanvasBG Budget Glitched: Yes Guardians Blocked: No Original Objects: Yes Organized Objects: Yes Location of Objects: Near ceiling of Crypt Extra Details: Teleporters placed for easier navigation. Picture: SBCanvasBlockBG Budget Glitched: Yes Guardians Blocked: Yes Original Objects: Yes Organized Objects: Yes Location of Objects: Near ceiling of Crypt Extra Details: Teleporters placed for easier navigation. Picture: OLNBC Budget Glitched: No Guardians Blocked: No Original Objects: Yes Organized Objects: Yes Location of Objects: Ground level, near teleporter to Skybubble Extra Details: Entrance to crypt neatly blocked off. Picture: UnlimitB.SB_NLE Budget Glitched: Yes Guardians Blocked: Yes Original Objects: No Organized Objects: n/a Location of Objects: n/a Extra Details: Setting a sender node to channel 2 takes you outside map Picture: « Sandbox » Budget Glitched: No Guardians Blocked: No Original Objects: Yes Organized Objects: Yes Location of Objects: Near walls of Crypt Extra Details: None Picture: [[SandForge]] Budget Glitched: No Guardians Blocked: Yes Original Objects: Yes Organized Objects: Yes Location of Objects: Near the Skybubble, outside of the map Extra Details: A teleporter in the Skybubble that takes you to the original objects Picture: Sandblock Budget Glitched: No Guardians Blocked: Yes Original Objects: Yes Organized Objects: No Location of Objects: n/a Extra Details: None Picture: SandboxOLNclean Budget Glitched: Yes Guardians Blocked: No Original Objects: Yes Organized Objects: Yes Location of Objects: Ground level of Sandbox, near the outside ring Extra Details: None Picture: Sandbox Fixed Budget Glitched: No Guardians Blocked: No Original Objects: Yes Organized Objects:No Location of Objects: n/a Extra Details: None Picture:
Is this in the right section? I think it belongs in General Forge Maps. Could a moderator move it, please? Also, if anyone wants to add a canvas, just message me with the download link and details.
You should give credit to the people who made these. I know it gives credit when you click on it, but my map was made by me and A RedBull Can, and he doesn't get credit on the bungie link.
And that's where you are supposed to add that into the description, not expect other people to do it for you. I've found this much more useful than expected, so I will be completely revamping the thread, fixing all the missing "n/a" and adding canvases. I might also work on the sister thread, All Canvas Maps. Once again, if ANYONE has a Pit Stop canvas, please put it on your file share and send me the link. Credit will be awarded to you and you will greatly help out the community (Who knows, the thread may get stickied!)
I'm thinking the same. What ever it is I don't think it makes it a canvas. Still a nice compilation of canvases anyway