Sandbox Dune Wars

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Kill 4 Silence, Apr 30, 2010.

  1. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    Dune Wars

    Map Canvas: Sandbox

    Recommended Players: 5-12

    Gametypes: Assault, CTF, FFA, Team Slayer

    Description: A symmetrical map that fills up the entire crypt. It's not one of my better maps, simply because when I made this, I didn't know how to ghost merge and I was a novice at interlocking. It was made around six months ago before my first xbox got stolen. I would've posted it sooner, but I was too lazy =p.

    Took less than week to make (random fact).

    Here's a bird's eye view of the map.

    Here's map at an angle.

    This'll give you an idea of what the bases look like.


    A better look at the centerpiece.

    And this is what sub-bases look like.

    Any aesthetics were done unintentionally. When making this, I was less focused on aesthetics and gameplay, but rather more concentrated with just having fun forging. Eventually, I got to gameplay, and the aesthetics were already there, so I didn't really have to try with that.

    The map works well with anything but juggernaut, infection, vip, and territories.

  2. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll start off saying this looks ok.
    Took up most of the floor which is a plus for the bottom.

    Most suggestions I could give to improve, is I saw some areas that actually could of used interlocking, ghost merging or what ever you feel comfortable with.
    Some areas did look messily put together.

    But I'm not ranting just pointing out things that would help the map.
    Best of luck on future maps.
  3. xItZ JENKiNSx

    xItZ JENKiNSx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Come on man, such an awsome map doesn't deserve such a cheesy name. I'm not fully understanding your layout design. I don't know if thats either a positive or a negative outcome because I'm a fan for multi leveled maps. As I can see, the map looks large and in charge and Big Team Battle senarios looks like a turn toward the exotic side. Unfortuatly, the map looks like you pushed yourself too much to finish this map. Thats a big no-no. Never rush (If you did. ^_^) I'll give it a download. Great job!
  4. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    lol. yea it is pretty cheesey. i named it when i was a newb at forging and all that good stuff. the design is very VERY complex. i tried drawing it up last night so i coud remake it enclosed with walls and ceilings, and so far i have no idea what it is either lol. it was rushed, i mean it didn't take long to make. thats why i want to go back and remake it using the same basic layout (whatever it is lol) so i can make it better. im a big fan of enclosed maps, that's why all my new maps are. thanks for your opinion. =)

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