I was wondering if anyone else out there has tried to pair a shield door with a fence wall for a wall that you can see through but not shoot through or walk through. I used this feature in a new map of mine and I think it turned out really well. I'm sharing because I think it's a good idea and I want to know if it has been implemented anywhere else. The following pics were taken from my newest map and show where the idea was used, except the third pic but that one is just too beautiful not to share. Shield Fence Flag: Look But Don't Touch Beauty Shot of the New Map
That's a cool idea, and no, I hadn't thought of it before. I can see how it could be well used in the map you got the screenshots from, I'll have to check that out when you release it, I don't know how many maps could use it though.
ive used this for my map i was building called "The Hill" but i didnt know not many ppl knew about it cool to be the first one to post it up ;D
Furious! Man, when you don't have a 360 your community activity skyrockets! I'm out of a job right now which means I have nothing to do and still I can't keep up with you! So, anyway.. yeah. I did something like this for a sniper map I started making a few days ago. Only the shield doors are about a foot behind the fences, so you can pop out, snipe, then hide back behind the shield door. Also the shield door/fence pairing is set at an obtuse angle, so you're covered from two sides.
i have used it before, and i do believe it is a good idea. im glad u posted it though. i wouldnt have thought to. p.s. you are intelligent my friend
Copyright... as in say you were the first to think of it? Because I dont know how to copyright things in halo... -Donuts
Well I think I'm the first, the big plasma tv in The Estate was my doing, but as for the copyright it was just a joke.
oh ok lol. Just wondering because I had a few things I would like to throw into this "Copyright" Thing. -Donuts
It would be cool though, have a idea and don't want anyone to use it put it in you're copyright list! Too bad this would be impossible to regulate.
This might not be the place to pu this but another cool idea would be interlockable objects, and then you can save that object as one and keep it in the forge objects list
This is a handy trick, props to you! I thought since the beginning that there needed to be more than six window panels! Haha.