Frustrations with Forge

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ultsf, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    So, Dust and Echoes.. what ever happened to it? Well, it's still out there. But the desire within me to finish it isn't.

    And I think I know why.

    I don't "love" Halo 3 anymore. I'm too focused on the three achievements I don't have and getting them and don't care about Forge.

    No, I"m not asking for help with the achievements. I'll get them eventually, I'm sure. I'm just asking for some help motivating me.
  2. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    PILGRIM Ancient
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    There isn't really much you can do to motivate someone into forging. Ways i find that are good is to play on maps forged by other people. Or see if there is a tournament on another site perhaps that your map might be able to be entered into so you know you have to finish it by a certain date.
  4. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    What Pilgrim said is pretty good.

    However, my best forging inspirations come from playing games other than Halo 3.

    On the map I've been working on lately I got stuck. I got pissed and played Gears of War 2, then remembered how much I hate Gears 2 and played Gears 1. I got to the train station level and boom, inspiration.
    There is now a train station in my latest map.

    Another inspiration (for me at least) is to play terrible, terrible maps (bungie favs has plenty) and sadly, I start thinking to myself how bad those are and how great mine can be. Very narcissistic I know, but it works.
  5. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    What I do is quit halo, go play another game to death, then get bored of that game and come back. It usually works for me (although I havnt gotten sick of BFBC 2 yet...hmm).

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