Sandbox Aerocrest

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Rorak Kuroda, Apr 28, 2010.

  1. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Vyctoriouz and Kuroda are proud to present you forgehubbers our newest creation, Aerocrest. (Formerly Vyctoroda. Can you guess why?) Set in the skybubble of sandbox, this large, budget-glitched out the ass competitive map has been in progress for months now. (If you don’t count the month where we took a break.) I remember how it started…

    And so it begun. We begun by creating the hexagons, a difficult task for those who fail at geometry. Luckily, good ‘ol Coyote1023 was there to help! If it weren’t for his math help, I dunno if this map would even be here today. The original design concept evolved from a crazily vertical center, with a giant lift through the center, and changed into a somewhat Archaic-inspired masterpiece, if we do say so ourselves. ;) We constantly renovated and changed different areas, in order to maximize object usage and to keep it aesthetically appealing. And of course, as with any budget-glitched skybubble map, we dealt with lag. Lots and lots and lots and lots of lag. But we pushed through the pain of flashy objects and managed to bring you this map. In the words of AceOfSpades;

    Aerocrest is equipped for more than just Slayer. It also supports 1 flag, oddball, King of the Hill, and some nice Multi-team. Spawns seem to work perfectly for anything from 1v1 slayer to 8-person oddball free for all.
    Now on to the weapons:
    Br x4
    Sniper x1
    Sword x1
    Needler x1
    Plasmas x4
    Carbine x1
    Overshield x1
    Bubble shield x1
    Power drain x1

    Anyways, enough of my blabbering, on to what you really want, screenshots. Greedy bastards……

    We’ll start with red base. In the image above, you can see red base teleporter, the above platform, and a few assorted jump-ups. Don’t worry, the jumps will be much more obvious when you play it. ;)
    Let’s switch it up a bit with a view from blue side. Here you can see blue receiver node, sniper spawn, and a nice view all the way to red receiver.
    Here’s an overview of blue base. From here you can see the wood path, blue sender, and blue side’s tunnel towards Oversheild.
    Here’s a small view of red receiver and the drop down.
    This is the view you get coming from red receiver. The bottom left path leads to the wood path, and from red drop down you can see sniper spawn.
    Here’s a nice little view of red base. From here, you can see sword spawn, red tunnel leading to OS, as well as the middle structure. And yes, that is grass growing on the wall.
    A closer view of red tunnel, and an odd little block…. I wonder what that could be for! (Hint: it starts with jump and ends with up.)
    A final view of Sniper spawn, and an excellent shot of the middle room as well. You can see Power Drain spawn, OS drop down, and of course sniper.

    A few action shots. :)
    Mr. Ninja is out and about….
    This guy is hoping for a collateral.
    WTF BUBBLE HAX OMNOMZORS (That’s what he’s thinking)

    So that’s it. I hope you enjoyed our little presentation. And yes, I saved the download link for the bottom. Here ya go.

  2. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    This is truely beautiful, but Im not sure of the gameplay. Im hoping the gameplay is great as the asthetics. All the different levels make this a "good map". What I mean by that is.. you run around looking for some kills. Hmm, a sword in the same area as the overshield. Im hoping that the pics just made it look closer, and that its acutally farther than it looks. Overall, Aerocrest will be on my HDD for awhile.
    #2 RageQuit, Apr 28, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
  3. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    your map is so awesome. I needed to go change my pants because this is just that intense. It is really hard to make a map with amazing aesthetics and have a great layout at the same time. I am in love and this is my next nomination for FHF
  4. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Great job on this map guys, it really is one of the most amazing competitive maps to ever grace Sandbox. And I say that because not only did you guys go all out on the aesthetics, but you really put time into coming up with a brilliant layout, which greatly benefits the gameplay. I don't think it will ever leave my hard drive, so again, kudos for making this beast.
  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is great, I have been waiting for another TS map to play on for a long time now! This map looks really... sexy, I love that grass section and the staircase next to it using the obelisk. I HAVE to download this right now and start up a party, nice job, will edit post once I get gameplay on it.

    Just finished playing it. I love all of the tactical jumps on the map, I found all of them to be very useful, especially the one near overshield by that grass area. Love the map, hope it gets featured!
    #5 Xang, Apr 28, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
  6. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dam kuroda its done, this has been like a what 5 month long project haha. It looks amazing, i need to get on halo more man iv missed alot. Great job i'll dl and get back at ya.
  7. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks guys, we out our blood sweat and tears into this. Unfortunatly there's probably going to be an update in which we do a very small geometry change and other tiny changes.
  8. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    This map plays equally well for all the gametypes I tested on it. I downright loved this map. It's very beautiful, and Gameplay was superb. Very good job guys, this is my favorite sky-bubble map to date. Gentleman, I look forward to projects with you in Reach. Thank you for this soon to be featured map on Xforge, and here on the hub.

    Congrats guys, job well done.

    PS, Vyctorious did that part... lol
  9. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is an absolute gem. Flow is great, combat is excellent, and the aesthetics are brilliant. A must have map for everyone and a deffinite keeper on the 'ol HD.
  10. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
    Senior Member

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    That other day I looked at this thread and ended up forgetting to DL it because I couldn't really see what it looked like. However, Shad0w threw it up and we took a look and it's ****ing amazing. I'm not sure how you managed to pull off such a complex and large feeling map, but you did an awesome job. It honestly feels like a Reach map. However, your pictures do not do it justice.
  11. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks man, Vyctoriouz and I really put our blood sweat and tears into this thing. Our forging styles and concepts worked really well together, and when it comes to object usage, Vyctoriouz is da bomb. Oh, and budget glitch. That helped too. :)
  12. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Vyctoriouz, you are truly one of the best forgers known to Halo 3. You have so much potential in Reach. The strucutres are so unique that I can tell it was made by you by just loolking at the pics. The ultimate map you have made - the middle lift just screams PROFFESSIONAL.

    The more I see maps by you, the more I realize that you have outgrown Sandbox. Hopefully the future will deliver more opertunities t]for you to create, and cocreate masterpieces like this.
  13. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for not seeing my name... I feel so appreciated.

    Along with that, you should know that the middle part is a drop down, not a lift.
  14. XeNon

    XeNon Forerunner

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    Goodness. Usually I'm a creeper and I don't post, but your map is just incredible! You must have had a great vision while creating this map cause it is a layout I have never seen before. Definite DL! Btw, did the object limit effect you?
  15. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh yeah, many, many times. We battled the OLN for ages. Our original vision changed drastically in order to compensate.
  16. Hugh299

    Hugh299 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes, i very much agree. Super stoked for Reach. And for this freaggin amazing map! It is truely a work of art, my forging friends. Everytime i visit forge hub these days it is borderline torture because i see these great maps but i remember i cannot play them. Sadly, yes my box elite still has red rings and we cannot fig out the problem, w/help from a buddy because my warrenty is expired. It has been about 4 months now since i last played halo. I also still have this great map idea that iv been wanting to perfect, but lack the proper skills to do so. Dealing with orbital ships AND ground bases, uniting skybubble and middle section into one big ass playing field, a perticular detail being having the hangar end of the ship hanging out of the skybubble, enabling players, aircraft, ground vehicles, and weapons to drop straight to the ground w/o dying or exploding. Tested and approved as awesome by me and several others, this idea can be yours for 19.95 if you call right now. But really imagine how f***ing sick that would be if constructed this w/ your budget glitch map. Epic s**t. And im kidding about the money thing the idea is practically yours :) Signing off from my PS3........ Hugh299
    #16 Hugh299, May 8, 2010
    Last edited: May 8, 2010
  17. ThunderSpartan9

    ThunderSpartan9 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whoaaaaaa this is the beastlyist map ive seen by far...this defies forge physics.........good job all i got to say is 10/5......
  18. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    I'm generally not a competitive map guy, but when a map catches my eye I usually give it a download, so I did.

    I must say this is definitely featurable material.

    There is a brilliant mix of geometric and organic shaped structures that create enjoyable variation but lack in thrown together chaos (which is a good thing, btw).

    This coupled with seamless forging and near flawless gameplay ability definitely gives this map a spot on my competitive playlist.

    I see some of the stuff that's been featured on this site and I'm like, "Why?" I see this though and I'm like, "Damn straight, this should have been featured!"

    Every good thing has its shortcomings however, and since I'm me, I have to point them out.

    I'm not particularly fond of the name. Yea, that's a very minor thing I know, but I just can't shake the feeling that the name given to it doesn't do the map justice.

    At some points, especially at blue base upon looking at the rest of the map, the objects flash and lag runs out of control. Again, a somewhat minor circumstance, but it sucks for the guys fighting from blue base.

    On the lower level it can become easy to get disoriented. This could just be me, but in the midst of combat I found certain paths on the lower level didn't take me where I expected them to go =P

    To me all of these are minor problems that don't necessarily change my opinion of the map, but fixing them would just make it even better and more flawless. I would give possible solutions, but lets face it, fixing lag spots is no cake walk, so I think it's livable.

    Overall I like this map a lot. Like I said I'm not a competitive map player, but I found myself having a good time on this map (with the 3 games that were played) and it definitely remains on my hard drive for when the Halo: Reach madness is over.
  19. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    God, I queued this to download when it came out and the beta has since hindered me to play Halo 3. I really, REALLY, need to look at this. It looks great, people say its great, and it's by great people. It MUST be great.. need to stop playing reach...!

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