Bamf Sand

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by xDarklingx, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hi everyone, this is my first map which I have given a preview for. I am giving a preview for the unfinished version this time because i need some ideas. I have made what is going to be some form of competitive map. Two bases in the dunes with a large wall along the side. Its a little hard to explain but you'll understand when you look at the pictures. Basically, if anyone would like to suggest what you think my map should play on, what type of cover I should use etc. This would be very helpful as I am not very good at making decisions for competitive maps. If I end up using an idea I will give credit in the map post.

    Here's the pictures, tell me what you think!

    [​IMG]This is basically an overview of what I have created so far. It is built very far out into the dunes if you couldn't tell.

    [​IMG]This is the larger of the two bases. The funny shaped wall to the right that you can see is to stop people escaping.

    [​IMG]This is the smaller base. I was thinking of building a unescapable wall like on the other base but it was going to have to be huge and it would have taken up heaps of objects. What I did in the end was i unblocked the guardian tower that guards that spot so it just kills you if you escape.

    Last of all, 'Bamf Sand' is not the actual name (lol) if you would like to suggest a name then feel free.

    Thank you for reading, The Haptic
    #1 xDarklingx, Apr 29, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You're pictures aren't showing up dude.
  3. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    *Fixed* that was weird, its never done that before.
  4. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You've got a pretty epic canvas laid out!

    Im sure a Blood gulch-esque map is a suitable option!
  5. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, I was thinking of having natural looking lumps and bumps placed around on the sand. Does anyone think this is a good idea?
  6. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
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    well seeing how your map is very linear... i would strongly suggest you ghost merge buildings or objects to create a path along the right side of the large dune. Otherwise each team is just fighting in a meat grinder and that isn't very fun after a while.
  7. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    how much budget do you have left after all of that?

    PILGRIM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Depending on how much of your budget you have left you should try and possibly make some sort of bridge like structure spanning the map.
  9. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, without checking, I know that I have between $500 and $700. Also by 'bridge' do you mean a lengthways spanning bridge or spanning the width?
  10. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh ****. This looks nice. You have a fantastic area to work with. Idk about the objects left but if you can make it work then bravo.
  11. WhiteRice321

    WhiteRice321 Ancient
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    Im builfing something in the exact same area as that lol only its dramatically larger (i should say longer) and doesnt have the wall (to much of a strain on budget)
  12. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Well, considering you have $500-$700, you can't do anything fantasticly supremely awesome in terms of individual structures, so you'll have to make do with a good map design that plays well. Somebody said something about a meat grinder, so you need to 'break' the map into areas that are either 'paths' (think pit: rocket hall, camo hall, sword room) or break LOS with buildings or hills (think valhalla).

    Vehicles look good for this map.

    Make sure that you can't just sit in a base and camp either by holding close quarter in the base, or holding opposition from afar with BRs an Snipers.

    I'd suggest making a second save and releasing what you've done as a canvas. Perhaps with an attempt to make the wall less draining on resources.

    How do you prevent someone from going HLG on the other side of the map? Unless its all indoors.
    #12 noklu, May 24, 2010
    Last edited: May 24, 2010

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