Want To Save Money On Cigarettes?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kill 4 Silence, Apr 29, 2010.

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  1. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    You Want to save money on cigarettes? I found this exclusive brand that's only sold in select stores. It's so cheap that you'd literally be saving thousands of dollars each year! It only sells for $1.40 a pack! On average, regular placks cost approximately $5.40, and if you're a chain smoker, like me, you need at least 2 packs a day. In perspective, that's $1,022.00 each year. As exorbitant as that sounds, compare that to a regular pack of, say, Marlboro Menthol 100's, which would cost roughly $3,942.00 a year. Now that's alot of money! Ever think about what you could have done with that three grand if you hadn't been addicted to cigarettes? Well, now you can still support your addiction and have thousands of money left over!

    Here's some information on this magical brand of awesomeness...

    Name: Dean (Menthol)/(Regular)
    Pros: Cheap Value
    Cons: Generic Tobacco*, Feels Like You're Smoking Air (Bad Filter)**, Half Cigar***, Bad Aftertaste****

    *A lesser natural form of Tobacco. No wonder they're so cheap!

    **Fixing this is simple and enriches each inhale if done properly. Simply take a pair of scissors, and cut the filter in half. Now, instead of smoking air, you're smoking tobacco! Sometimes, severing the entire filter and smoking the cigarette alone makes for a stronger inhale. And no, I don't just go cutting up my cigarettes because I'm bored. I actually found this out by accident when I sat on one of my cigarettes and the filter tore off, and since it was my last one, I smoked it and discovered how much better it was to smoke with barely any filter or no filter at all.

    ***Have you ever smoked a cigar before? How about a semi-cigar, such as a Black and Mild? These cigarettes are exactly like Black and Milds, only they still retain cigarette-like qualities and the filters are different.

    ****Don't smoke one of these after you down a can a soda. The results are revolting. |-_-|

    So go to a cheap, arab store and get your pack of Dean's TODAY!

    (This thread was not meant to advertise, but rather enlighten smokers of an exclusive deal. The last statement was purely an attempt at being stupid and funny lol. And no, I'm not racist nor do I discriminate. I love arabs!)​
    #1 Kill 4 Silence, Apr 29, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010
  2. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    Pretty sure this is advertising.

    And there is no way you will take me from my 27s.
  3. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure you can save a ton of money by switching to Geico oh and by not smoking.

    Senior Member

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    This... That is all thank you...

    By the way, can we get this locked? I really don't see a whole point to having a thread such as this.
  5. Dewski

    Dewski Ancient
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    Can an admin please lock this? I think the ads on the site are bad enough, like the one i'm looking at right now. I don't care about TRUGREEN lawn care treatment and I don't care about cigarettes. I know you can't change the ads on each page but we shouldn't have to put up with this crap...
  6. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Smoking is dumb and I don't understand why people do it.

    And btw you can save like all of your money by like not smoking NO WAY!
  7. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    How are you not ashamed of this? There is no point in smoking, it just kills your body. I can't understand why people would want to do that, its against human nature.
  8. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Smoking is stupid. I reported the thread the moment it came into existence, though i don't think the mods found it worthy of a lock.
  9. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    If you want cheap tobacco, i'd recommend chew. It's disgusting but my brother and cousin are all over it and they've always got it when theyre playing xbox.

    as for your suggestion, that's quite cheap, and actually a bit informative, but its just an example of getting what you pay for. I do have to say that I'll stick with Black & Milds, i'm not much of a smoker, it's just what i have for those celebratory moments. This is actually an informative thread for somebody who likes to take down tobacco, which really aren't the people around these parts i'd assume, including myself.

    I don't know where the line is to be drawn here for thread of potential conversation or advertising but i've never seen a member manage to make themselves look like a spambot as you've accomplished here.
    #9 CHUCK, Apr 29, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010
  10. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    why? there's nothing wrong with talking about cigarettes...it's legal for anyone above the age of 18 such as myself to smoke them, and this thread was meant to help all the smokers who play halo 3 to save money. and it's in the general chat forum, which, I thought or please correct me, was for all sorts of non-related halo 3 topics.
    yes, if you've never smoked before, you would think it's stupid. i used to. but smoke one, and see how stupid they are then. im completely ashamed and am very VERY angry at myself for getting on them. but at least i admitted my addiction.

    and i don't see how this thread should even be considered locked. i stated at the end of the thread, that it was meant to inform, not advertise.
    i am ashamed. and i know it kills my body, but i got addicted to them, and it's verry VERRY difficult to quit. all the smokers should know what i speak of
    i know, but if you've given up on quitting, then fishing for the cheapest brand is probably the best way to help yourself (other than quitting of course). because at least you'd be spending less for a bad addiction
    Like omg, this is not an advertisement. did you even bother to read through to the end of thread, or even read the thread at all? You probably don't care about smoking or lawn care treatment, but maybe others do. you may not realize it but this thread probably just help thousands of halo 3 smokers. ;)
    chew is not for people who have cigarette addictions, buddy. and black and milds don't give you the same nicotine rushes as regular cigarettes. and im sure there are plenty of people here that smoke. i have at least five friends who do.

    and again this is not advertising. this is informing. why do you people think this thread is advertising/spamming? it's not. i may look like a spammer, but the nature of the content's purpose was to inform not spam. An idiot could see the difference. Excuse me if I just called you an idiot, but please don't tell me you're that stupid.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    smoking makes you cool
  12. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    lol not quite, champ. people think it makes you look older and cool, but in most instances, if you're a newb and ****** lip it, you just look retarded. good insight, though. im lovin it.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    well obv you need good steez to pull it off
  14. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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  15. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    This is ****ing ridiculous.

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