Sandbox Tolvalt

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Cookie Monster, May 20, 2009.

  1. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    Click me to Download Tolvalt!

    This map was made from hard work. Insperation came from all the supportive people on the website, and great tips and friends made on the way. Again thanks.

    The map I bring to you today supports all gametypes, besides infection sadley.
    Darn item limit..

    Anyways, heres the weapons, and then on too the screen shots.

    Battle Rifles x6
    Plasma Pistoals x2
    Magnums x2
    Brute Shots x2
    Maulers x2
    Fuel Rod x1 (Spawns in the middle after 180 seconds, with only 1 spare clip)
    Needlers x2
    SMG's x2
    Spikers x2

    Plasma Gernades x4
    Spiker Gernades x4
    Energy Drainer x1
    Regen x1

    ( I was limited on gernades, only reason being is the item limit. I had to sacrafice alot of gernades, to add more spawn and objective gametype items. )

    Now the screen shots.

    The blue base.


    The red base.


    Under each base, lays the Maulers.

    The Regen

    The Drainer

    The middle structure.

    Needler spawn, one on each side.

    One of the tunnels, this one has the Spikers, the other one has the SMG's.

    One of the Brute boxes.

    Now heres how to get into one of the towers, its easy. Just press A. These are the most relaxing elevators : ).



    The views from the towers. Shows each base.


    The last bit, are just to give you a looksy of the map.




    That about does it, if you DL it I really hope you enjoy it. It was a awesome place to make.

    Here is the DL link:

    Click me to Download Tolvalt!
  2. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map looks pretty good and the interlocking is nice too, but there is really something that the map is lacking something really special. I like your centerpiece too, but my favorite part is probably the brute boxes. Those are pretty simple but they do there job nicely. They also are a cool place to hide! I would recommend making a second level that would make the level seem bigger, but i saw that you said that you were at the item limit, so good job so far!

    Overall- 4/5
  3. JIF or PNUT

    JIF or PNUT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not bad at all, I love the obelisk centerpiece and the bases are simple but do their job, great map - DLing now!
  4. Ahogan11

    Ahogan11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks like a pretty sweet map you did a good job making the other side look exactily like the other side. i like that you used the whole canvis. you did a good job at using the whole map and had lots of creative ideas i like it 4.2/5
  5. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    This map looks amazing man. I like how the bases look with the wooden bridges. And hey it's lookin like you and me are gonna have the the same episode for Br K1ng's reviews. You deserve to have your map in that video man.
  6. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you could ork on the bases, the map besides then te bases looks about 10x more elaborate than the main bases, you could add some cover on the side of each base. the "brute boxes" are wonderfuly pleasing to look at, and the overall aesthetics are good, could use some touching up near the bases and overshield/camo spawns, but besides that, the overal map looks good and very well playable. Good job

  7. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback in the past.
    If your wondering why I'm posting this, is because I'm making a V.2 of this once I get a hold of a new Halo 3 disc.
    I've deleted a lot of my older post of my older maps, an only keeping a handful.
    Sorry if this is 'spam', but thanking everyone again for the positive criticism in the past.
    #7 Cookie Monster, Apr 29, 2010
    Last edited: May 23, 2010
  8. Inimical I am

    Inimical I am Ancient
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    me gusto! this is a great layout, i like how you used up the whole map without throwing junk on it to fill areas that you didnt know what to do with but instead took the time to make this map the best possible. Only thing i would recommend is raisin those areas where you have to crouch to get to weapons, i know that you thought it would be kewl to have a challenge getting to the power weapons but overall itll just tick people off
  9. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    Taking up the whole crypt is a challenge, but a great fun one.
    The power weapons being hard to get, I didn't mean to make a flaw like that.
    It just happen as I was sparking ideas, and forging.

    "Fuel Rod x1 (Spawns in the middle after 180 seconds, with only 1 spare clip)"
    Main power weapon is that.
    The others really won't take to much effect on who will take the lead, or stomp the other team, the map is to huge, BR's, and AR's will dominate most of the time.
    I've played it plenty of times, its a really smooth TS map.

  10. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    For the most part this is good, but I personally dislike the layout. It's too choppy and it reminds me of ghost town with only one level. The whole thing that makes ghost town work is the multiple levels, so I personally find the overall effect of the map lacking. And it is lacking the special something that would have made it stick out. I'd have to say this is an average 7. Great forging though, and some really neat ideas were used. With a V2 that uses more elaborate bases and more curves, I'm sure this could be great.
  11. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Plenty of camping spots. One team could dominate the first 5 min.. then camp it out the rest of the game.. Try to get rid of them.
  12. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Most crypt maps are flat and boring. This looks a lot more iteresting. I like some of the cool aesthetics you used as well. It looks like the towers promote camping, but there isn't a sniper rifle so they shouldn't be overpowered. Good job dude.
  13. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you.
    Try playing it, with my maps I'm usually very picky on spots.
    At most peoples interest, "camping".
    I do all that I can to make sure there isn't any camping spots at all.

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