Check out this screenshot of the new map I am working on. People were commenting on fountain of youth on how it was not in the in the sky bubble so I decided to try it out in the sky bubble and I got this Result... The New map also has a gametype. It is either a custom infection, territories, king of the hill, oddball, juggernaunt, slayer, and all the other gametypes. OR, I can get permission from Twilight GN0ME to use virus strain 57 because that is one of my most favorite games on forgehub. Here is the link to the page:
Next time i'm on xbox live, I'll give you a buzz. I spent a while brainstorming VS57 maps for Twilight. As far as I know, he was happy for people to give his gametype such credit, but he was very specific in overseeing my design process. Bear in mind, though, that the VS57 maps are VERY thoroughly tested, and I highly doubt Twilight would let you post this withotu it being tested 60 bajillion times.
Permission Granted, I happily endorse this map Looks awesome in design, I'll have to check it out real soon! Unfortunately, as its pretty much Judgement week with coursework, I'm going to be prioritised with other things. I'll try to make some time to look at it. T.G.
Judging from the picture, it looks like it needs a railing in front of the big structure looking thing. the structure looks pretty cool also, but the design is a little cliche. is what's shown in the picture the entire map itself? if so, you should add some other stuff. I'm not even sure what this would play except infection, with that structure as a human base. btw what is virus strain 57?
@ kill 4 silence there is a link to a Forge Hub posting of Virus Strain 57 at the end of his post. It helps if you read what people post before commenting on it. You might consider posting the original Fountain of Youth in the thread. I liked the original fountain of youth more and this would probably play better because ground floor would allow zombies more places to attack. Either way, this one is already looking good.
ya i defiinitely skated over the link for some reason lol. im sorry im stupid. thanks for the tip there bud
Thanks to the f****** object limit I can't do the virus strain 57 gametype any more. On the bright side I am currently creating a new gametype called 1 vs 15. If you don't understand, here is a decription: You are the last man standing every round and must defend of hordes and hordes or invading zombies. 8 to 16 players. Prefered with 16.