pwndizzled! You forgehub guys are makin' me blush. stop it. Acriform for v9! Hiya knows what I'm talkin' about.
i think everyone's pretty much said it all for me. but ill rant anyway. this map and xenolith are by far the most beautifully forged maps ive ever seen. i seen a couple irregularities in the structure though, when watching the video. 1000 kudos for the incredible layout. the epic design practically made me poop in pants in awe. i do see a similarity, however, in the top level. it looks like a map that was posted about a week ago (forget its name). anyway, im not a big mlg fan (in fact i hate that playlist), but im definitely downloading this map. and are you the guy who created MLG Amp in matchmaking? that's awesome! i always wondered who made it and now i finally know, haha. im sure there are more amazing maps to come from you fritzer. gj! o and btw you spelled weather wrong. it's "whether", unless you're talking about the weather outside.
So a got a few games on it, and it was good. Nice flow, clever jumps and ramps, and great LOS. On top of that, considering you stayed within the budget, the aesthetics are very impressive. Unfortunately, this really isn't a map for the casual-type. It really only plays well if your team is competitive and communicates, which is good considering it's made for MLG. However, the sloppy bits of forging on the map counteract this, making it difficult for highly competitive players to enjoy gameplay all that much. Every bump and ledge will affect gameplay, and I'd love to see this map cleaned up a bit. That's all I have to say.