I need help

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by KO Someone, Apr 28, 2010.

  1. KO Someone

    KO Someone Forerunner

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    I don't have much experience using forge, but lately I have spent quite a bit of time working on a map on Foundry. This is only the second time I've ever tried to make a map, and the first time I've tried to use interlocking and ghost merging.

    I've already had to start from scratch once because I ran into the budget limit, so for my second attempt I downloaded Buddhacrane's budget-glitched Foundry canvas so that I didn't have the same problem...but I do...it won't let me spend money that isn't in my budget. I tested it before I started to make my map, and it let me place objects even though I had zero $, but now it's as if I'm using a normal map and not a budget-glitched one.

    What did I do wrong to cause this to happen, and is there any way that I can fix it? I've spent a lot of time on this map, and I really, really, don't want to start over again. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.

    Problem fixed. To those who replied, thanks for the help.
    #1 KO Someone, Apr 28, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010
  2. anemone

    anemone Ancient

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    have you started new rounds and the glitched stopped?at all?
    but sometimes because its glitched it wont let you spawn certain things try other objects like them eg if ur using a wall try a fence wall
  3. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    if you spawn one of a single object, and then defeat it u will undo the budget glitch
  4. KO Someone

    KO Someone Forerunner

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    When you say "one of a single object", does that refer to something like the flamethrower (only one of which is available to spawn) or something like a lone double box that I placed then deleated immediately after? Well either way, I've done both, multiple times, so that's the cause of my problem. Thanks for letting me know what went wrong.

    Is there any way that I can reverse it? Is it possible to re-glitch the map even though I'm still forging on it? Pretty much, can I avoid starting all over?
    Okay, I re-read the post that came with the Foundry canvas that I used, and learned how to glitch the map. After deleting a few teleporters (the only things not nailed down to my map) I had almost the exact amount of budget needed to re-glitch every object, with the exception of the Wraith--not that I'll be using that anyways (but I can still spawn them if I save and quit).

    I'm so relieved that I don't have to start all over--which would have been the third time! Well thanks for the help, I'm going to go do some forging :).

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