Some of my screenshots

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Screenshots' started by rocco600, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. rocco600

    rocco600 Forerunner

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    Here are a couple of my screenshots that I have taken while playing with my friends.
    Here is a funny on that I took of my friend after he dies on an airlift and hit a rock:
    Why on earth is this dead guy doing a backflip:
    I am a flying dead cyborg:
    #1 rocco600, Apr 17, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2010
  2. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Eh. Are these your first?
  3. harr3ll

    harr3ll Forerunner

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    there ok dude take some more use diff stuff make pix colorfull
  4. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Ancient

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    i agree with harr3ll on this one. the first ones a little cool, but just about everyone's taken a shots like that and it's becoming a bit cliche. if you really want to make a cool screenshot, go on the mythic maps, and use filters. mess around and do a whole bunch of crazy stuff. i usually go in forge and set my health to invincible, that way i can fire a rocket launcher at myself over and over without dying, to experiment with the effects. also, set infinite ammo so you can play with the guns enough without having to "reforge" them. and last but not least, if you want to be a certain color that's not available in regular custom games, such as black, set that as a forced color.
    doing all of this usually guarentees a good screenshot or two. good luck in your future screenshot-taking career =]=]

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