Bungie's trying to hint at the new maps, and they did say they might bring back some classics... This is where you post what maps you want them to bring back. Personally I LOVED Lockout, and can't imagine how Bungie would soop it up (like Zanzibar/Last Resort). Another one I simply loved was Sidewinder... The play was so amazing, and the changes Bungie makes to it would make it the best map ever!!!
They need Lockout back. They did Standoff- even though they had Vallhalla. So why can't we have Guardian/Lockout? Sidewinder needs to come back too.
Standoff wasnt really a remake of any of the Halo 2 or Halo CE maps...And what do you mean by "So why can't we have Guardian"...
I never got around to downloading halo 2 Map packs, But I've always loved how Containment looked.. It is a great idea, and Ivory Tower would be pretty fun in Halo 3...
Out of all the map suggestions for remakes, I've never seen Containment mention'd. Or Ivory Tower and I really enjoyed those maps.
I would like all of them, which I assume they will do over time...whats the point of this topic again, since they said they would remake most of them a long time ago?
I'm sorry, I didnt know.. I only though that they were going to release a few from before...The point of the topic is to get the community's opinion on which map's they want to see come back...
OK well if we're talking about what maps we'd like to see first given they're all gonna be remade (yay), then smaller maps for competitive play... like midship and lockout.
Yeah I want them ALL to comeback, but with a Halo 3-ish look. Don't add anything like on Zanzibar, you can get under the Camp Froman, they got that damn catwalk, they re-did the building. Don't do that to the other levels, keep it exactly the same, give it the Halo 3 feel.
Obviously we will see Lockout coming back since so many people want it, I personally can do without containment because well I hated walking across that map when you couldnt find a vehicle. Ivory tower is a map I have not seen talked about that I love, and would love to see remade. I could also do without midship, especially if lockout comes back. -Donuts
I dount that they will release Lockout anytime soon, I say this because we already have guardian, it's a decent map but it's nowhere near as good as lockout. Also I think they should have a special area of maps under the map selection called Classics or Old School that is made entirely of every old map ever.
I don't think they can use any of the PC maps. I think those may be owned by Gearbox. I highly doubt they'll remake Lockout anytime soon but I have no doubt that Sidewinder will come back soon. On B.net it seems the most frequently wanted map.
Then dang. I was so hoping to watch myself get knocked off the edge multiple times by freaking banshee noobs.
Gephyryphobia was Lockout's brother. So they have to bring Gephyryphobia back if they bring back Lockout.
I really wish they can manage to bring back some of the PC maps; Gephyryphobia, Death Island, (I would want Timberland but since you can only do quick grabs in Halo 1 that gets rid of my favorite part of that map).
They have to bring back waterworks! I miss the falling stalactites. They also need to bring back Chillout, Damnation, Midship, Derelict(what was the halo 2 name?), and Hang Em' High. I want some mo-fuggin alien maps.