Ironically I did put the age restriction at 13 on the registration form. Of course people just lie about their age. This topic is funny because Yavi and I were having a lot of fun on the Orange Box before Christmas rolled around. We had a lot of fun games with the most mature group of guys I have played with in a while. Then Christmas hit and hell broke loose.
Don't get me wrong, TF2 is an amazing game, but I don't want these kids that don't know how to work with the rest of the team. The name of the game is team work, but this sort of thing is nearly extinct in the world of TF2 now. Maybe they'll get bored in a month?
You must be joking/ lying, I haven't actually run into many young kids on Halo yet, but it may be because I don't play matchmaking that much
Every 2/5 Lone Wolf game I play has at tleast 1 ten year old. The pre-game lobby is like sticking your finger to the inner depths or your ear and having someone kick your hand*. *Most original analogy EVAR!
??? ??? ??? lol weird analogy...and for me at least i get at least like 3 of them every match (im a level 25 or so), we once got this guy who was like 10 and we started making fun of him and he was swearing his head off, it was was even worth the -9 K/D spread he ended up with, and loosing the match by 3 points...we were laughing like 3 matches later..
Play Call of Duty 2, not many people play it much anymore, but all the ten year olds have only heard of Call of Duty 4.
No kidding, I hear "AAAAAH!" throught he mic and I just ask "You got this for Christmas, didn't you?" Cracked up everybody else
I'm glad all those 10 year olds are playing, last christmas i got my rank up in team slayer from 1 to 37 in 4 days.