ODST...let down?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rhys Belding, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. Rhys Belding

    Rhys Belding Forerunner

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    Was Halo 3:ODST a let down to you? I have spent much more time on the Mythic Disk that ODST itself. I dont really like ODST that much. But I hope Reach will be good.
  2. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    No, I feel like ODST was a fun experience, a different take on the Halo franchise's Campaign. I applaud the Bungie team for make such a daring experiment in a tried-and-true formula, and a great experiment at that. I understand that the campaign, as all campaigns are in most games, is meant to be played through once, or a couple of times, but not as much as the multiplayer. I appreciate the story more thanks to it.

    As stated above, the multiplayer is designed to be played a lot more than the campaign, so play time isn't exactly a factor.

    Well, I KNOW Reach will be good.

  3. Rhys Belding

    Rhys Belding Forerunner

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    Lol, well then if you know its good.....it must be good. LOL
  4. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    I thought firefight was somthing new but it lost its appeal quickly. Overall i would say its a bad game.
  5. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    It was a bad game, it certainly wasn't an expansion to Halo 3 because it was priced as a full priced game. But all we got was an expansion, nothing really new.

    Firefight got old very fast, I still don't have most of the 200k achievements, not because I can't, because I can't be bothered. It's just so boring.

    The multiplayer disc isn't even ODST, just 3 extra maps for Halo 3 basically.

    ODST was horrible as a game. And if you're gonna price it as a full game then they should be judged as one. And as a full game it was incredibly short and easy. Firefight didn't have much replayability and didn't even have any type of matchmaking, which I'm sure made it far worse for a lot of people.

    Overall one of the worst Halo games ever released. Close to Halo Wars.
  6. o1000LioNs

    o1000LioNs Ancient
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    I was let down. I couldn't even finish the campaign... Reach seems like it's jumping a little ahead of the normal Halo game play. Everyone feels different depending on their style though. I just can't wait for any new game now, I'm getting anxious for something good.
  7. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I felt like ODST was a fun experience in the single player. The campaign did ominous surroundings in a way that hadn't been done well since CE, and VISR was a nice tactical alteration to the gameplay, as you had to be careful nto to walk into light rooms with it on, or dark areas with it off.

    The day sequences were a little too farfetched for my liking. I never believed for a second that Mickey, Dutch, Buck or Romeo could have done ANY of the thinsg they get up to. But it was nice to have a level of individuality with the dutch mission's end cutscene.

    The real joy, for me, came from the night sequences. That and the data hive mission. That was cool. The last mission was a poor endeavour at making another last level driving mission, but the holdout at the very end was worth the hassle to get there.

    Firefight was iffy. Good fun, but only occasionally. And only on the odd map. However, it paved the way for Reach's "multiplayer maps located in campaign" idea, which was implemented well in ODST.

    Armour customisaiton was useless in ODST, apart from on Dare where colours were noticeable.

    So, it was a pretty good game. Maybe not worth the money we paid for it, but it was fun.
  8. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    It was fun while it lasted.

    Not too long ago, I helped a few of my friends get Deja Vu. Aside from the endless bitching at who died, it was fun. I enjoyed it. I do believe it is a good game it just isn't a full game experience for the price and it lacks the re-playability that it should have. I would much rather have had Firefight as an expansion to Halo costing around 1600 MSP or something near that, with full online capabilities.
  9. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    I'm of the mind that it wasn't a waste or a let-down. Had the Reach beta not come with the purchase, I'd still be of the same mindset.

    I had no enthusiasm or excitement for the game despite various appeals by Bungie through their great ad campaign. I suppose it was just the tarnished nature of Halo 3's Ads being a better product than the game itself imo. Anyways, I bought the game shortly after losing HBO's fanfic contest to win it, just to see what the fuss was about.

    I LOVED the campaign. It rivaled that of Halo: CE's and would probably surpass it in terms of both gameplay and story development if the latter were not the seminal entry in the series. Bungie listened to their fans, took what didn't work in campaign and made a fantastic, albeit short, game in a limited time frame.

    Firefight was great as well, however, as Horde Mode on GoW2 only lasted a few months after release, so too did Halo's new feature. It was fun while it lasted.

    All in all, the $60 was worth my purchase, despite not caring for the multiplayer aspect (that is, the new maps, and Halo 3's system) at all.
  10. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Halo: ODST delivered exactly what it promised... and nothing else. If that is a letdown to you, you've got unrealistic expectations.
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I feel this review accurately represents my feelings. Ill add on that the soundtrack was the best Ive ever heard.
  12. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Oh the soundtrack was great! I loved it... <3
    But the game still feels overpriced to me.

    Don't get me wrong, the campaign was brilliant. It just wasn't long enough or had a long enough lifespan rather, to justify the price. Though, it being Halo, it had to be bought.
  13. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    For those of you complaining that it shouldn't have been full price, Bungie already stated they wanted to let it go at 40$ but Microsoft forced it onto full price.

    I thought that campaign was fun apart from the tedious night time city levels, that got repetitive. I wouldn't go so far as to say it rivaled Halo 1 or Halo 2's campaign as SS did, but I think it was up there with Halo 3. Firefight lost its lust, so what? It lasted as long as it should've, keep in mind it started out only as an expansion; not a full blown game. On top of that they had what, 1 year to make it using a pretty tight budget. I thought Bungie did fine.
  14. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Yeah except most of what they needed to make the game was already made, which cut down tonnes of work.

    Who's decision it was to price it doesn't matter.

    I'm not trying to argue the quality of the game, it's certainly fun and high quality but it's lifespan was not that of a full fledged game in my opinion. And this IS a Halo game so inevitably it's being compared to the rest of the franchise and in that respect it does fall short.

    Though, once again, it was fun and a fantastic game. Just wish it lasted longer...
  15. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I don't reckon ODST was a let down at all. The campaign was fantastic, with the action-packed daytime levels and quieter, more stealth based night time levels (which I loved). Firefight was fun, but it didn't last long (but it lasted as long as it needed to be).

    Overall, I would give ODST an 8/10, losing two points for little replay value.
  16. doomgrunt

    doomgrunt Ancient
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