20 Min 'Til Evac v1.1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by KilerG, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a new version of 20 Min 'Til Evac, dubbed v1.2. A few improvements were made:
    1. Overall cleanliness of certain areas of the map were fixed. Big fix in the main inside, and a few fixes on the bridge.
    2. Anti-cheat system for the bridge was improved to make sure ANYONE that is on the bridge will die from the killballs after two minutes.
    3. Zombie teleporters have been reworked in a few ways, cleaned up zombie spawn area.
    4. Added a new gametype for use on the map, based upon Jakob Hunter's Pandemic gametypes. It is entitled "20 Min Experimnt." More details below.

    As of now for v1.2
    1. Fixing up the bridge aesthetically.
    2. Fix gametype problems
    3. Fix a problem with the number one teleporter not opening.

    Welcome now to a (new) Infection Survival map. This game is based off of a game that I helped make popular on Halo 2 that was played on Headlong. The base that all the humans spawn at is modeled after the building used in the game on Headlong. It has now been cheat-proofed compared to my several old versions, on several different maps, v1.1 has improved the cheat-proofing.Now begins the story....

    A UNSC Team of soldiers has been attacked by zombie creatures. They were driving down a tunnel, when they were attacked, and many were slaughtered. The vehicles have been made useless, and unusable. We now have to stay in an ancient building, and wait for Evac. They say it will arrive in 20 minutes, but I don't think we can last that long. We must try, but the zombies pop out of nowhere, and they seem to come from everywhere.
    This is Sergeant Conner
    If you're listening to this, you are the UNSC

    Okay, not really, just wanted to throw in some Terminator jokes ^_^
    So if you didn't understand that, here's a basic idea of the game:
    Zombies spawn in the crypt. They wait 45 seconds before the door is opened and they are allowed to choose from 4 teleporters. Each teleporter takes them to a different place around the human-held base. One leads to a small building that has a teleporter to the Third Floor of the human-held base, but can only be used in v.1.1 after two minutes of gameplay have occured.

    Humans spawn on a broken bridge. Note that I wouldn't move when I spawn, as a giant block shortly blows up a warthog. If you die, it doesn't matter, you still respawn in the building. Humans have to leave the bridge within two minutes, as killballs envelop the bridge, killing any cheating campers. Yes, the bridge is CHEATING, once the game starts. Why do you spawn and are already cheating? Because it is awesome.

    The humans spawn with Magnums and Energy Swords, the Alpha Zombie spawns with a Gravity Hammer and an Energy Sword, and Zombies spawn with poor camo and Energy Swords. Humans can pick up the scattered Rifles around, the map hosts a few battle rifles and carbines, but be careful with the ammo, there isn't much of it.

    So the humans have 20 minutes to survive, and then they get evaced...actually the game ends, but technically you win. If you DO legitely survive 20 minutes, I want to see that video.

    The building is constructed with 3 levels, one with a hallway on the side, one with deployable covers to help block doors and a zombie lift that leads up to the level, and the top floor, which features a hole that can be used to see the rest of the floors, and holds to a balcony with a teleporter on it. The teleporter can be accessed by zombies from using the teleporter on the small building, which is accessible again after two minutes of gameplay from the zombie spawn.

    Okay, so we have a new gametype, called 20 Min Experimnt. This is based upon Jakob Hunter's Pandemic gametypes. Basically, both zombies and humans are harder to kill, and because of the difficulty of the original gametype, makes the game easier to play. It may still be buggy, as it wasn't originally made for this map.
    Now for downloads.
    20 Min 'Til Evac (Map)
    20 Min 'Til Evac (Map without effects)
    20 Min 'Til Evac (Gametype)
    20 Min 'Til Evac Experimental (Experimental Pandemic gametype)

    Strategies I've seen used:
    1) The top floor has the least amount of doors. There are only 3 ways to get in, two being easy to see and block, and one that comes up below. There is a hole on the top floor for seeing onto the Second and First Floor, which is helpful for watching for zombies, but can also be used by zombies to jump up and get you. This is possibly one of the best spots to hide, yet zombies can use the Gravity Hammer through the floor, so be careful.
    2) The hallway on the First floor is a good spot, but presents a small amount of space. There are only two doors, but it may be hard to see if zombies come in, as they can pop in quickly.
    3) The Balcony can be used well for hiding. Zombies can hit you if you're near the edge, so you need to be careful. There are 2 doors, and one teleporter to this area. You can block the teleporter easily with your body, and make it hard for zombies to enter, and easy to pick them off when they appear outside the zombie building.

    And so the epic pictures begin...
    Overview of the map
    Spawn Bridge for the Humans. Remember to leave quickly, but watch the very beginning spawn, the warthog blows up.
    The bridge enveloped in anti-cheating goodness
    First Floor
    Zombie Hallway
    Two Zombie Spots
    Second Story
    Third Floor
    Third Floor 2
    Zombie Spawn area.

    I will name the teleporters for you:
    1. Top left: Building teleporter (note that it only opens up after two minutes of play)
    2. Bottom Left: Zombie lift to second Floor
    3. Top Right: Front of the building
    4. Bottom Right: Bottom level, hallway
    Now when you refer to the teleporters, they are now 1-4, rather than "ummm the one that leads to that one place?"

    The only cheating I can notice is that you can continually commit suicide, but most of the spawns are inside, so it's easy to catch cheaters. Also, the bridge is a pretty good cheat spot, but that only lasts for two minutes before killballs spawn and kill you. It shouldn't be possible to get on the roof, maybe only as a zombie.

    Please post any (non-stupid) comments and concerns below. I'd like to make plenty more maps using this gametype, but I want this one perfect first. Also, I'd like to again give credit to Jakob Hunter for his gametype, it was so amazing I edited for 20 Min 'Til Evac.
    #1 KilerG, Apr 25, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2010
  2. Ferocious Leaf

    Ferocious Leaf Ancient

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    I am sorry, but this map is not up to Forgehub standards. you need to have at least one picture or video illustrating your map. you can add images by using an image hosting site such as photo bucket or imageshack to embed them in this thread.
  3. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry, I had to update the pictures, they should be working now. They were only down for like 5 minutes dude!

    Note: I notice that some of my pictures are displaying the older versions. If they aren't gloomy, then they have been updated.
    #3 KilerG, Apr 25, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2010
  4. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    this looks interesting, but i will download it to get a better view of it. could you show traits for zombies and humans aswell please
  5. Old School

    Old School Forerunner

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    what did you do?.... like copy this off of the forum rules. It sounds so stinkin official.

    The map looks pretty tight, Ill give it a try. The inside looks wicked man, especially the second story (I think its the second story). I mean the zombie battles in their would be scary. Oh and I really like the way you connected the crypt with the sky bubble. I might use that in a map I am making right now. Well....Nice job!
  6. Ak Tulio 907

    Ak Tulio 907 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just one thing and one thing only.... REMOVE THE FILTER MY EYES ARE BAD ENOUGH I CANT SEE SH*T!!! JK but really remove it. Anywase back to the map i think from what i see looks pretty good you just need to improve your forgeing techniques*
    (i need to improve on spelling, my parents are to cheap to get me HookedOnPhonics) and ya thats about it. GOOD LUCK! : )
  7. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    I can tell you worked really hard only on the main buidling. It looks like you sort of rushed the extra parts of the map. A good map has kind of a balance. One side is gameplay, asthetics, and originality. Lol I'm just saying what Insane said on the Forge 101 thing. So yeah, I could see better things in this map.
  8. Kill 4 Silence

    Kill 4 Silence Forerunner

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    um everything looks like its carelessly tossed together (don't know if that has any effect on gameplay), but it is for that reason that i had to remake an infection map.

    try cleaning it up, utilize interlocking (cause i don't see any), and maybe even spice it up aesthetically - yes, i know infection maps aren't required to look aesthetic, but sometimes it generates a theme for on the map your making...likeeeeeeee centering a base inside a run-down train station with zombies, you know?

    here's my rating:
    aesthetics: 0/5 (there are none from what i can tell)
    gameplay: ??
    weapon placement: 0/5 (i don't see any, so um what are the humans supposed to kill the zombies with besides the default weapons?)
    overall: 3/5 (the map isn't bad, it just needs more work. it's possible you posted the map too soon?)
  9. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The basic idea of what the zombies and humans do are pretty much outlined in my description of the map. For the Pandemic gametype, I don't want to post anything because the gametype is experimental and I'm constantly changing it.

    Umm read the post dude. I made a version of the map that has no effects, it's right next to the original map.

    Extra parts of the map were not very important to me, especially since there really is only one part. That is the bridge and building. The other building isn't rushed, the inside is all interlocked, and it's basically just a holder building for another teleporter. The zombie spawn was only to be functional, and it works. If I just took out the walls, would you notice a difference?
    The whole focus of the map is survival in a tiny spot.

    There IS interlocking.
    Aesthetics are there, it's supposed to look like a building in Headlong from Halo 2.
    I suggest you play the game before you post, you can't see weapons because you haven't even tried it yet. Again with the problem of not reading the post, I said in the post that there are only rifles on the map. This is a newer version of the map, and most certainly not posted too early.
    Actually right now I'm fixing a couple problems, I'm going to finish up a v1.2 in a little while. This one will have a few fixed things, including making the bridge a little cleaner and functional while you spawn. I'm going to fix the spawn kill of the hog, and also I'm fixing up the Pandemic version gametype, as it wasn't completely balanced yet.

    I just added what each of the teleporters do for anyone that was wondering.
    #9 KilerG, Apr 28, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
  10. Sayber70

    Sayber70 Ancient

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    I survived 20 minutes on the old map without cheating. When i was Last Man Standing i just kept using the gravity hammer
  11. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Were you using the Pandemic gametype?
    Anyway you did it, let's see a video.

    Also just posted up v1.2. Check it out, the bridge is the only real noticeable update, but there's some stuff that you won't notice.
    #11 KilerG, Apr 30, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2010

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