Sandbox The Market Portfolio

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ZinniZon, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. ZinniZon

    ZinniZon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    By: o Zinni o

    Well hello there everybody - Zinni here. I know I haven't been active much here due to my recently-acquired-money-distributing obligation (job), but I felt like I needed to contribute to this site since I have some time this weekend. I made a map a while ago that some of you have already seen, but most haven't. It's called The Market. I made this "market" to be completely ambiguous so that no matter what sort of game you were in the mood for, my map could suffice. Although I wasn't able to make a variant for every gametype, I'm proud with the product which will be presented momentarily. Thank you and please, enjoy.

    Just to let you know, if you're not in the mood to read, you can find all Download links at the bottom of the post.

    This will show you the map without any gametype-specific modifications. This version has been slightly tweaked to suffice for the slayer variant for this game (Deathmatch)

    Overview ↑
    "Main Street" ↑
    "Sniper Alley" ↑
    "Rib Cage" ↑
    Rooftops ↑
    "The Bar"↑


    There aren't many differences between Default Market and Zombie [Market], however the game variant
    and the different color scheme change the gaming experience completely.

    6x BR (No extra clips)
    1x Shotgun
    1x Sniper Rifle
    1x Spartan Laser
    2x Covenant Carbine (No extra clips)
    1x Machine Gun Turret
    1x Flamethrower
    1x Camo
    2x Custom Powerup

    [Game Specifications]
    • Alpha Z Traits
    Health: 150%
    No Shields
    Damage: 25%
    Primary: Sword
    No Secondary
    Grenades: Yes
    Infinite Ammo: Yes
    Weapon Pickup: No
    Speed: 150%
    Gravity: 75%
    No Vehicle Use
    Sensors: 25m (Normal)
    Color: Black

    • Regular Z Traits
    Health: 110%
    Grenades: No
    Speed: 200%

    • Human Traits
    Health: 150%
    Shields: Normal
    Recharge: 0%
    Damage: 75%
    Primary: SMG
    Secondary: Magnum
    Grenades: No
    Speed: 100%
    Gravity: 150%
    Full Vehicle Use
    Sensors: 10m (Normal)

    • Other Settings
    Rounds: 5
    Initial Zombie Count: 25%
    Time Limit: 6 Minutes
    Friendly Fire: Disabled
    Vehicles: Mongooses Only
    Custom Power-Up: 200% Shield Recharge/Visible To Everyone (3seconds)

    Zombie Overview ↑
    "Healing Orb" ↑
    Yes, the tower is vulnerable as well. ↑

    Ahh yes the old game of Tag. Who could forget? I know I haven't - if you're wanting to mess around playing grab-ass with your friends, this is the game for you.
    If you like to play hardcore, I wouldn't recommend trying this one.

    I made this game a very long time ago for a map called "The Club House" - And yes, that's me. Now I'm bringing it back to create a nice "casual" touch to this map. Here's how the game works:

    All but one person spawn inside the map randomly. The person who is randomly selected to be "it" spawns in a contraption which forces the ball into his/her hands. He/she falls through a teleporter which sends him/her to one of the many teleporters in the dunes. (This way the person who is "it" spawns randomly aw well.) Now comes the fun part - if you're it, you can see where everybody is right now. An arrow points to their locations. Go up to one of them and press "Y" when you're right in front of him/her. That will force him to pick up the ball. Now he/she must find someone else to "tag". For every second you have the ball, you lose a point.

    I, personally, like to make the honor rule of "No Tag-Backs" so that 7 people aren't sitting in a corner and 2 are losing tons of points. It's up to you if you want to incorporate that in your custom game.

    What?!?! Golf??? That's right. I made a variant for this map called "Frantic Golf" where you try to get one of the two balls into the enemy's hole. (You're so gay right now.)
    If you see the pictures below, hopefully you'll understand how the system works. I am not planning on explaining it.

    Team 1 Goal ↑
    Team 2 Goal ↑
    Balls ↑
    Attempt 1 ↑
    Access: Denied ↑
    Attempt 2 ↑
    Access: Granted ↑

    I take no credit in the making of this category since it's been made and re-made tons of times. I just figured I'd add this fantastic game to the myriad of options included with this pack.
    The only rule that has changed is that the "Tremor" can use the guns at his/her own will. I prefer not to so the challenge is greater. It's up to you.

    Since people like to be cheat like little bastards all the time, I was forced to implicate a few changes in the map to suffice for the earlier "Honor Rules". The only rule that remains is that one must not get out of his/her mongoose unless forced to do so by the game itself. If you get off your mongoose, that gives the Tremor the right to get off the chopper and attack at will.

    Here are a couple of the important changes made:

    Tremor ramp (Rooftop access made easy!) ↑
    Say no to claustrophobic rooms! ↑

    No, this is not the "Go teabag that guy or I kill you game". This is the real cops and robbers. Finally incorporated to halo 3. Brought to you, by me! [/poem]
    Anyway, if you've ever played this as a kid, you should feel right at home. If not, it's like tag and hide and seek put together. You'll get it in time.

    Making this system as complicated as it is was mandatory. I knew I wanted to add this game and in case you didn't know, I do what I want. Again, I won't be explaining how it works, but I will explain how to play.


    The objective of the game is to either capture the robbers in jail or to last 5 minutes without being caught by the cops. If the game starts and it says "Offense", you're the 5-0. Now get your ass out there and arrest those bad guys! If he says "Defense", you're a robber. Make a move quickly or you're gettin busted. If you're a cop, you have to put the robbers in jail. In order to do that, you must kill them. Just like real life! -_-

    Don't leave the market! If you go out into the dunes, not only are you weaker, but you can be seen by everyone in the game! If you are a robber and you die, you'll be spawning in Jail. You can't get out so don't try (I know you will). Your friends however, can break you out. But be careful - you don't wanna try to get your friend out but get busted half-way there! Be stealthy.

    If all robbers are caught and in jail, the territory cannot be contested anymore. Therefore, the cops win in a matter of seconds. See pictures below for a sort-of vague, visual explanation

    Jail ↑
    You can't break out... ↑
    But your buddy can do it for you ↑

    This has to be my favorite of all the games I made for this map. It's stealthy, it's fun, it's scary as ****.
    As long as you have more than 3 people playing this game, you're almost guaranteed to have a great time.

    Ok so this one is difficult to explain. Sort-of...
    The game is a variant of juggernaut. The juggernaut is the "Rogue". If you're rogue, you have to kill everyone else by being as stealthy as possible. If you're an "agent", your job is not as easy. You must not only kill the rogue, but be aware of the other agents with the same task as you. No one is marked as an ally in this game so it's up to you to figure out whether or not the person staring right at you is a friend or foe. You have about 1 second. And yes, everyone looks the same. The only way to know if those footsteps you're hearing are an agents or a rogue's is to look directly at him/her. If there's a circle&triangle above them, then it's a rogue. Say goodnight. If it's an agent, their name will appear red, but there will be no symbol above it.

    [Game specifications]

    • Rogue Settings
    Health: 110%
    Shields: Normal
    Recharge: 100%
    Damage: 90%
    Primary: Sniper
    Secondary: Magnum
    Grenades: Yes
    Infinite Ammo: Yes
    Weapon Pickup: No
    Speed: 110%
    Gravity: 150%
    No Vehicle Use
    Sensors: No
    No Waypoint
    Color: Black

    • Agent Settings
    Health: 500%
    Shields: No
    Damage: 90%
    Primary: SMG
    Secondary: Magnum
    Grenades: Yes
    Infinite Ammo: Yes
    Weapon Pickup: No
    Speed: 90%
    Gravity: 150%
    Full Vehicle Use
    Sensors: No
    No Waypoint
    Color: Black

    And that about covers it! If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this post or send me a message over Xbox Live (o Zinni o). I appreciate your time spent reading this and I hope you find the map enjoyable!



    Game Variants

    #1 ZinniZon, Apr 26, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2010
  2. Ak Tulio 907

    Ak Tulio 907 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    All I have to say is FIRST!..... Jk I love your write-up its awsome and all the game modes your map supplies, nice looking athsetics and gameplay, what else do I have to say, Good Job!
    #2 Ak Tulio 907, Apr 26, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
  3. ZinniZon

    ZinniZon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks bro - I'm glad you liked the thread (It was my first time with photoshop) :]
  4. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is pretty creative.
    Its hard to find forgers who take time in doing that.
    Great job on that indeed.
    The map itself looks pretty splendid.
    Has a huge lay out for that surface, and its hard to cover, and budget but you did fairly well in it.
    Only things I could suggest is interlocking a few more spots, I wont point them out though, I don't do the negative stuff.
    I hope to see a V.2 : )
  5. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yo zinni glad to see ya finally posted this map dude. I remember playing left for dead on it a while back. Now it seems u have made it even more enjoyable! Nice post too. Hit me up in customs bro.
  6. ZinniZon

    ZinniZon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well technically I cheated (infinite money glitch) so shhhh, but thanks for the compliments man - as for the interlocking, (I suppose I should've gave a short back story to the map :X )I made it so that some parts look a bit sloppy strictly because it's not supposed to look "Clean cut" and brand new - I wanted to give a "beat down" sort of look in certain areas. I basically tried to make it play and look as realistically as possible.

    If you downloaded it, I hope ya have some fun!

    Long time no see D ahah but yea thanks man = I remember you being there for pretty much every beta test I had for it. Plus I'm pretty sure you were one of the only people who actually tested out "True Combat" (The slayer variant that plays similarly to SWAT)

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